Friday, December 30, 2011
Looking back at 2011
I have an 11 month old...weird
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Feeling bad about a little clutter? Feel bad no longer...
First big boy haircut!!
Christmas time!
Our first snowfall of the winter
Thursday, December 15, 2011
When I was a child
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Interruption in the blog catching up....
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Shiloh and Daddy
First December weekend... Part 2
Friday, December 9, 2011
The first weekend in December....Part #1
This is the Truck that they do Hay rides on. So Fun!
There were soooo many trees!
The owner offered to take a family shot. He was the nicest guy. He said that moms always got left out of the pics, and he thought we should have one with all of us!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
13 weeks...heading into the 2nd trimester!
Disclaimer: Please don't ask if I am having twins or say something along the lines of, "You're Showing already?!" or "You're getting so big!" For some reason I am super sensitive this time around, and have already gotten those comments, and they made me cry, really really hard.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Thanksgiving (Finally)
Random Stuff
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
10 months old for Shiloh
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving...Nov 24th
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Thanksgiving Eve...Nov 23rd
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Nov 22nd... Thankfulness
Monday, November 21, 2011
A gratitude attitude... Nov 21st
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Thankful... Nov 20th
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Nov 19th...Gratitude
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Shiloh is getting to be so BIG
So Thankful... Nov 17th
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Thankfulness...Nov 16th
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Nov 15th...again
When you have a gratitude attitude...November 15th
Monday, November 14, 2011
Nov 14th...Gratitude
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Gratitude...November 13th
Saturday, November 12, 2011
I am thankful for.... Nov 12th
Friday, November 11, 2011
Gratitude... November 11th
Thursday, November 10, 2011
November 10th
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Thanksgiving... November 9th
Nov 9: I am thankful for the old man who saw Shiloh and I walking from the car to the building in the rain without an umbrella, and decided to run to us and cover us with his coat and walk with us to the front door. thank you! So grateful that there are still kind, chivalrous men in the world!
Nov 8: I am thankful for the opportunity to change, become better, and to repent.
Nov 7: I am grateful that I get to watch my little guy explore all of the new to him things in the world.... today he discovered my bin of paperclips. It made a mess, but he was in heaven!
Nov 6: I am grateful for clothes to keep me warm....such a good thing to have and yet I hardly ever take notice at what a blessing it is. It might not be the most profound thought of gratitude, but I and thankful none the less.
Nov 5: I am grateful that Shiloh is starting to scoot around the apartment army crawl style, even though it means that I have to vacuum more. He just seems a lot happier and htat makes me a lot happier.
Nov 4: I am thankful for friends. God always sends the ones you need at exactly the time you need them.
Nov 3: I am thankful for running water, and along with that comes toilets. the story behind this thankful thought of the day is that yesterday while looking at houses we came across on that was vacant and the water was turned off. I had to go sooooo bad!!!!! I totally thought i was gonna have to pee in the bushes or something. I almost didn't make it back into town. it sucked to wait, but it made me grateful for what we have!
Nov 2: I am thankful for the knowledge we can gain... I tis such a blessing to be able to learn about all of the good things that God has given us!
Nov 1: I am thankful for my husband....he is the best thing that has ever happened to me!
The next couple of weeks should be fun and a bit shorter to read day by day!
Monday, November 7, 2011
Halloween 2011
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Apartments.....and the things I will not miss about them.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Shiloh is 9 months old!!! ( well as of yesterday)
Shiloh is my sweet boy. He just smiles so easily and loves to laugh and play! He is definitely turning into a Daddy's boy more and more, and I don't blame him. The Kenny and Shiloh playing together is just so dang cute! Shiloh weighs just under 18 lbs. I know this because we had a hospital trip this month when he had a really high fever that wouldn't go down! Luckily he is feeling much better. He really would prefer to walk holding onto fingers as opposed to doing anything else. He STILL refuses to crawl. I think he is just going to skip it all together! It would be nice if he would crawl and he would be a lot happier, but he doesn't feel the need to crawl since no one else in our household crawls around. He just wants to be a big boy. He is eating a lot better now most of the time which is great. Makes life a little easier for me. I would tell you what his favorite foods are, but he seems to like all of them, which is a plus. He might like yogurt slightly more than the rest, but not by much. He loves to laugh. He loves to drum on things and shake rattles. He loves to listen to music and try to sing along with us. It is adorable. He also loves to make random jibberish outbursts in the middle of sacrament meeting, prayers, or really any other time that calls for reverence or quiet. As his parents we try not laugh, but it is oh so hard! He also is a drool monster!!! I think his shirt will forever be soaked. But he is getting in a couple more teeth and that makes him look more grown up. We have a lot of people tell us he is a big kid for his age and guess that he is closer to 18 months old!!!! I really just think it is because he is tall and has a HUGE head and a lot of hair( in the cutest way possible ). He also loves to be outside. He loves to try and put rocks, stick, leaves, acorns and other such objects in his mouth also... He is such a boy and I love it! Love you my baby boy!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
The Hartsbrurg Pumpkin fest
Day at the park....
He thought that being buried in the rocks was pretty cool. This was of course dad's idea. I would have never thought to bury him in the rocks, but dads do always come up with fun things to do .