

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Gratitude...November 13th

I am thankful today that my house got vacuumed yesterday. I know it seems like such a simple thing, and not a very good thing for a list of things to be grateful for, but I am really really grateful for it. It seems that ever since I have had Shiloh that I NEVER seem to get to the vacuuming. Either he is asleep, and I am not going to vacuum then, or he is awake and he is a bit scared of the vacuum. Well yesterday Shiloh was awake and Kenny was home and he vacuumed while I held Shiloh and showed him that the vacuum wasn't scary. He actually got pretty interested in it, and once he got used to the idea of it, he wanted to watch it with me sitting close by. I know it may seem like a ridiculous thought of gratitude, but I am thankful for it. It feels so good to be in a house with no crumbs on the floor. Now if I can only get to the other things that need to be done, like mopping, dusting, putting away all of the summer clothes.....


  1. Funny. That vacuum can be a scary bear! Well, at least you can be thankful that for now you don't have a bigger house to vacuum, dust, or mop! Maybe the one thing you might miss about apartment living!

  2. I totally remember when Sienna was scared of the vaccuum for a long time! That was such a pain. I guess I am thankful that I can vaccuum whenever I want now, though I still have a hard time finding the time sometimes. Also Ismael does it for me sometimes and I am grateful for that too!
