

Thursday, November 10, 2011

November 10th

I have been thinking a lot today and this week in general about Heavenly Parents. I am thankful that they are there. I am glad that I have a Father who loves me. I am especially grateful for a Heavenly Mother who I get to try and be like one day, hopefully. I'm grateful to have the opportunity to acknowledge their hands in all things. I love Them! I hope that I can have a closer more sincere relationship with them as I learn to understand the Spirit. I am also thankful for everything that they let me experience that helps me become more like them. It may not always be easy or fun, but it teaches so much and helps me in ways I am sure that I can't even comprehend. I also hope that I can remember them and be more grateful to Them on a daily basis and not just in the month of November.... I should put that on my new Year's goal list, right? What are you thankful for?

1 comment:

  1. I am thankful for you, for your beautiful family and the blessing of having you as my friend and daughter. Your spiritual depth inspiring. It blesses my life in ways I can't express. I love you Britt!
