

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Nov 15th...again

I just have to add something that I am thankful for today. I have been having a bit of an off day and week, but nothing serious, just the house is a mess and such. My new visiting teacher showed up today by herself because the other one's daughter was sick. My house, mind you is a bit of a disaster, and I was super embarrassed but there hasn't been the time today to do anything about it. I had the plan to at least straighten, but nothing has worked out that way today. This kind woman walked in and without even knowing me folded my laundry with me while we chatted. I am thankful for her! How nice! I need to be a lot more like her, and look for opportunities to serve those around me. Not just ask, but look and see and do! Just had to add this!

1 comment:

  1. That is so awesome. THAT is what visiting teaching is supposed to be about. Yay for her. And yay for you for getting a good visiting teacher!
