

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Shiloh is getting to be so BIG

Today Shiloh started walking around clinging to the walls. I think if he got brave, he might be able to do it by himself!!! Crazy. I feel like in some ways I just had him, and then again, in other ways it feels like it is about time. I will have to get a picture son, but I thought I would post so that I could remember the day that he started wall walking :)


  1. I think a video is in order for this event!

  2. Yes! A video! Congrats on the wall-walking Shiloh. I have never heard of wall walking. I guess when you have little to no furniture, that is the version of "cruising" that he is forced to do :)

  3. He is just going to explode now and he will be running by his birthday :) It is a fun age. I love the 12-18 month age a lot.
