

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Thanksgiving... November 9th

So I have been doing this on facebook, but thought it would be appropriate to post on my blog as well. Each day I am going to write something I am thankful for until Thanksgiving. And since I am late on my blog I am going to post ones for all of the days before :)

Nov 9: I am thankful for the old man who saw Shiloh and I walking from the car to the building in the rain without an umbrella, and decided to run to us and cover us with his coat and walk with us to the front door. thank you! So grateful that there are still kind, chivalrous men in the world!

Nov 8: I am thankful for the opportunity to change, become better, and to repent.

Nov 7: I am grateful that I get to watch my little guy explore all of the new to him things in the world.... today he discovered my bin of paperclips. It made a mess, but he was in heaven!

Nov 6: I am grateful for clothes to keep me warm....such a good thing to have and yet I hardly ever take notice at what a blessing it is. It might not be the most profound thought of gratitude, but I and thankful none the less.

Nov 5: I am grateful that Shiloh is starting to scoot around the apartment army crawl style, even though it means that I have to vacuum more. He just seems a lot happier and htat makes me a lot happier.

Nov 4: I am thankful for friends. God always sends the ones you need at exactly the time you need them.

Nov 3: I am thankful for running water, and along with that comes toilets. the story behind this thankful thought of the day is that yesterday while looking at houses we came across on that was vacant and the water was turned off. I had to go sooooo bad!!!!! I totally thought i was gonna have to pee in the bushes or something. I almost didn't make it back into town. it sucked to wait, but it made me grateful for what we have!

Nov 2: I am thankful for the knowledge we can gain... I tis such a blessing to be able to learn about all of the good things that God has given us!

Nov 1: I am thankful for my husband....he is the best thing that has ever happened to me!

The next couple of weeks should be fun and a bit shorter to read day by day!


  1. Thanks for counting your blessings with us. When you make on big list (like I usually do each year) you only hit the big things. That was fun to read about all the little daily blessings that we don't normally consider. I look forward to reading the rest.

    And yay for Shiloh doing the army crawl!!

  2. I really enjoyed reading your thankful list. What a great idea!
