

Monday, November 21, 2011

A gratitude attitude... Nov 21st

This month has flown by it seems. Maybe when you are grateful for things, the time just flies by. Today I am grateful for two things, and they are completely unrelated. The first is, I am grateful for a real date with my hubby. Since my parents are here, they offered to watch my little guy ( I am grateful for that also) and Kenny and I were able to go out to dinner at a wonderful Italian restaurant here in town that we hadn't tried before, and then we hit the dollar theater to watch a movie; something that has only happened one other time since Shiloh was born. We ended up watching The Help. It was a really great show.
The other thing I am grateful for is a really nice and honest Realtor. He is always checking up on the status of things on houses and emailing and calling us. He remembers things, like that my parents are in town and offers to take them through the house we have an offer on. There are a lot of other things, but I won't write them all down. It is just nice to have found someone who cares as opposed to someone who just wants money and so they don't really care about you. I know it seems like a weird thing to be thankful for, but I am. What are you thankful for?

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