

Thursday, December 29, 2011


So, lately I have been feeling a bit sorry for myself. I kept feeling like the whole world was combining its forces of bad luck and stress and dumping them on me. I had been feeling alone and overwhelmed. And to be completely honest I still am feeling a bit that way. I kept praying and asking why these stupid little things had to happen to me. Wow, how quickly I forget the lessons I learned just last month. Gratitude. I have a lot of this world to be thankful for. A LOT! Who cares if you sprain your ankle? Who cares if the only thing you get cleaned that day due to you and your child being sick is yourself? Is it really that big f a deal if your head is pounding and you want to sleep but you have to take care f the cutest little boy in the whole world? What is a few more weeks of living in an apartment because the house you are buying needs to have a septic tank installed? Although, admittedly, these things are not fun, they are but fleeting moments in a grand life! I have a wonderful family. I do have my health. What is a little sniffle compared to all of the life threatening diseases or life altering injuries out there? I have the Spirit for comfort and for a friend when I don't feel like there are many others out there. I have so much to be thankful for. I am still going to try and remember that, instead of dwelling on all of the little things that go wrong. I guess if you look at all of the little things that go wrong, you will find so many. If you look for all of the blessings, the little moments, like your kid smiling or your kid knowing that you are "mama" and calling you that, you realize life is good.


  1. Well said! We all go through that cycle of down times and counting our blessings or looking on the bright side really helps.

  2. Wish I could zap myself there to come hang out with you or take Shiloh for an afternoon so you could do "stuff" or clean your house for you. Wish I had that kind of magic.

  3. I guess that is the hard part of being far away. It will all work out, we just have to endure a few storms here and there.
