

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Thanksgiving (Finally)

So I have waited way too long to post about Thanksgiving, but I was bummed about forgetting to get all of the pics my mom took on her camera before she left, so, needless to say, this will be me mostly telling about the fun time, not a whole lot of seeing. Maybe I can get my mom to send me some of the pics:)

My parents got here the Saturday before Thanksgiving. Unfortunately for them I was quite sick the whole time they were here. So they mostly just played with Shiloh, which they didn't seem to mind, and he just basked in all of the attention. His favorite thing to do was to walk under the table between my mom and my dad. He could do it for hours and they were kind enough to let him. Saturday night we went to a GREAT bbq place called Bandana's BBQ. It is one of the most delicious places around, and Kenny and I have to really use restraint s that we don't go there every other day. My parents loved it and Shiloh really really loved it!

Sunday was just kind of a kick back day. We went to church and then we drove around and out to the house that we are still under contract to buy (keep your fingers crossed for us). We didn't go with the realtor, but my dad was able to look around the property and it was a lot of fun to show my parents why we loved Missouri so much. We also drove to a lake that is only 5 minutes away from the church.

Monday and were pretty similar. We shopped a little and just hung around. They played with Shiloh and he was in Heaven! I have been such a lump lately and have had no energy. He was just pumped to be playing with people that moved. Monday night my parents let Kenny and I go on a date. It was so nice of them and so nice to get out of the house. We went to a great Italian restaurant here in town called Madison's, then watched a movie at the dollar theater here in town. That is the first time Kenny and I have been in a movie theater since Shiloh was born. It was a momentous occasion for us :)

Wednesday, while Kenny was working, My parents, Shiloh, and I went to the Capitol building and went to the museum inside. The building is gorgeous. I was really sad not to have the pics my mom took of this day. By this time Shiloh and my Pa Pa had become the best of friends. They walked around together, and we had all sorts of cool pics of the building. Oh well, maybe I can get them later.

Thursday we made dinner all day. We had a wonderful Turkey that was crusted in cranberries and vegetables and basted in white wine. Hats off to the chef on that one! It was delicious! We also had mashed potatoes, a great spinach salad with home made poppy seed dressing (I made it), Home made rolls, cream cheese and corn with green chilies, stuffing, celery sticks with cheese spread (my side of the family's tradition. it wouldn't be Thanksgiving for me if it wasn't there.) and then some sparkling apple cider. It was yummy and a big mess. Later we had pie. We made one. It was an apple pie with a pecan pie layer on top! Also really great. I can't wait until I can have a Thanksgiving where I am not pregnant though. Two years in a row for me. Always slightly more enjoyable when you have room in your tummy, and you aren't feeling under the weather.

Friday the whole gang of us did Black Friday in the morning. We went at 7 though, so we weren't too crazy. Got a few things and went home. We fed my parents some lunch and then they went home. We had a blast! I am glad they came.

Here is Shiloh and my dad being buddies. They did this a lot of the week. Since I wasn't much of a hostess!
Here is Shiloh opening a Christmas present. This is one of many that he has tore into. I wish we has some place high to put them, but oh well. He did this one right before my parents left. They were happy to see him open at least one. He sure loved the cow pillow and blankie they got him. He carries and hits it, which is his ultimate way of showing affection currently.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Brittani, you're really blogging today! Loved hearing about your TG. Glad your parents got to visit you. Can't wait until we can too. Few pics, but darling. Shiloh has such cute expressions! Hope you will get to be in your house be Xmas! XO
