

Thursday, December 29, 2011

First big boy haircut!!

I have to admit that I have been dreading cutting Shiloh's hair! He has such a beautiful color of hair and it had that great baby soft feeling to it. I finally broke down and cut it though. The fact is, it was in his eyes all of the time, and it tickled his nose and his ears. I was starting to feel a bit mean making him endure all of the tickling and itching he was constantly doing just because I was in love with his baby locks. So, the day after Christmas, I got the nerve up to cut his hair. The minute I got the nerve up, I told Kenny we had to do it right then or I would chicken out. I was quite nervous to cut his hair. I was at a loss at first of how to get him to sit still. Well, he did great!!!! You see, we don't let him watch tv or movies. We don't even have a tv. We decided that for this special occasion, we would put on a movie on the laptop, Cars to be exact. He was, needless to say, MESMERIZED by all of the music, colors, and lights. On rare occasion he would try to look at me to see what I was doing but for the most part, his attention was glued to the array of action in front of him. The other thing I gave him which he rarely gets to play with was my phone. Also very flashy and colorful.

Here are a few pictures of the during...please excuse my appearance as I had not been out of bed long. Also take notice of the expression in the first pic. Quite priceless.

We decided that he just looked so grown up and so cute that we did a little mini photo shoot of him on his little rocking chair after we bathed all of the hair off! I sure am in love that little boy! I won't post too many, but they turned out pretty cute
In this picture below, I have to admit, that I think that Shiloh looks like his older cousin, Spencer! I had thought Shiloh had a bit of the Williams' look, but not much, but there must be more to him than I thought because they look similar in this pic.
And here is a pic of the back.
He looks so grown up! I can't believe the difference a little haircut makes!


  1. That is so great how you just pulled out the movie when you really needed it and it worked! Ha! Ha! he looks entranced. Hate to say it, but you will probably find many more times in the future when you need to use that trick. :) You are right, he does look related to Spencer in that more serious pic. Guess he is a Williams after all.

  2. The haircut is super cute! But I agree that it is so hard to cut off the "baby hair." And he does look kinda like Spencer in that one picture. And i really thought he was "all Russell" in his looks....but there must be a little Williams in there too.

  3. This is Grannie at Heather's. Oh, Shiloh looks so cute with his big boy look! But that first haircut is so hard. Did you save a few locks? Hope he has lots of fun with the pop open books. So glad the house is yours now!

  4. Oh he looks so so cute! The hair cut made him look so grown up! I can see a lot more of Kenny now..I haven't seen Spencer before so to me he looks like his daddy!

  5. You are right they look a lot alike in that picture. I guess he isn't all Russell.
