

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

10 months old for Shiloh

Below is a video of Shiloh crawling...FINALLY! This is one of the most accomplished things he has worked on recently. He seems much happier, but really he is ready to start walking. I actually thought that he would skip crawling altogether and just start walking, but he surprised us just in time to show my parents for Thanksgiving(Pictures and blogging to come for that event, just a little behind). Shiloh is still a really good eater. He likes almost anything, except for eggs, which he hates with a passion, and cottage cheese, which he just hates. What he really loves is eating things all by himself. If he can do it without us, he is really into it. He is getting taller and bigger all of the time, but I have no idea how much he weighs. ( we currently don't have a scale) He loves to sing and clap and drum on pretty much everything including my and Kenny's faces. I guess our next trick is to teach him how to be soft. He also loves to go for walks, to swing in the swings, and do anything besides going to bed and sitting still. Other accomplishments include: learning how to stand up using the walls and walking along them, dumping out everything he can find all over the floor, giving snuggles, going to complete strangers, learning how to pull off his own diaper on occasion, recognizing that when we get our coats on and pick up our keys we are going bye-bye, waving at every person he sees (including himself in the mirror) and biting ( I actually think that sometimes he is trying to give kisses, but he just can't help himself with his five teeth) We sure love this little guy. He learns new things every day and he keeps me on my toes constantly.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving...Nov 24th

Today I am thankful for my family....

Kenny- I am thankful for him because he is the love of my life. He works to provide for me and Shiloh. He is my best friend and he makes me laugh, even if I am in a bad mood. We always have fun together no matter what!

Shiloh-He is such a cutie and has changed my life in a lot of ways. I am thankful for his giggle. I am thankful for all that he has taught me about life and about myself.

Little Bean-Just thankful that I can have another one :)

My Mom-I thankful for her friendship, we have fun together, and I am so glad that she is in town to share Thanksgiving with me.

My Dad-I am thankful for him and his ability to be so giving. It never ceases to amaze me

Cami-I am thankful for Cami and all of the good advice she gives me, even if I need a sister moment and she is at work, she still answers the phone and gives me all of time she can.

Paul-I am thankful for Paul's ability to laugh at almost anything, it is great for times when I need it (Turtle Power)

Bryce-I am thankful for such a fun pal, who will not judge me, and is just my friend no matter if we have a differing opinion or not

Kristy-I am thankful for Kristy because she is always the first one to volunteer to help me or anyone else out.

Chandi- I am grateful for Chandi because she always makes me laugh! I can be having the worst day ever, and she will find a way to make me giggle.

Jordan-I am thankful for Jordan because he is such a funny sweet helpful guy. He makes my sis so happy.

My Tucson mom-I am grateful for Jonna Lu because she always makes me feel important and loved and like I am part of the family.

Pops-I am grateful for Pops because he is so great with all of his grandkids and it teaches me to be more loving towards children.

Rachael-I am thankful for her because she never forgets to remember us. She always keeps us informed and invites us to dinners.

Ismael-He is always willing to help when there is something he can help us out with.

Sienna-I am so thankful for her fun stories and bubbly personality

Maya-I am thankful that Maya always comes and sits by me and gives me hugs when I am there.

Tessia-I am grateful for Tessia's zest for life. We could all use a little more of it :)

Heather-I am grateful that I can call Heather up anytime. She is such a good friend to me and someone who is there, always.

Eric-I am grateful for Eric because of his adventurous nature and all of the fun outings he takes us on in the great outdoors.

Mason-I am grateful for what a great young man he has turned into and he always comes and says hi and gives me hug.

Renee-I am grateful for Renee because she is just so great with animals, and she always is so imaginative.

Colby-I am grateful for Colby because he always wants to wrestle and have fun

Sadie-I am thankful for Sadie because she is so positive and she just loves to love people!

Janelle-I am thankful for Janelle and how she is so easy to be around. I have never felt unwanted around her.

Brad-I am thankful for Brad because he is always willing to have a conversation with me, he is very easy to talk to

Camille-I am grateful for Camille because she always reminds me that every girl is a princess.

Maddie-I am thankful for Maddie because she has the sweetest smile.

Spencer-I am thankful for him because he is a load of fun and so playful.

Rebecca-I haven't met her yet, but I am thankful for her because she is so good for her mommy.

I love you all! Thank you for being in my life! I am grateful for you all for so many more reasons than the ones that I posted! Thanks for being in my life.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving Eve...Nov 23rd

Wow, I cannot believe that tomorrow is thanksgiving already!!!! This little project of mine has seemed to pass the month by quite quickly. I am thankful for the word of God written in scriptures. I guess, along with that, is that I am thankful for all of the men and women that listened to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, and wrote all of the things that I base my life and my values on today. What a miraculous and incredible work! What a wholly daunting task undertaken by those who God called! I am grateful that they accepted the task so that I might have a knowledge of their doings and of all the wonderful insights the scriptures give to us. I truly believe that what they have written is the word of God, and that it is meant for all to hear, and all to adhere to. The scriptures have enriched my life in countless ways, and helped me through many a trial and hard time, and I am so thankful for that! What are you thankful for?

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Nov 22nd... Thankfulness

Today I am thankful for our bodies. They are amazing. Unfortunately Shiloh has had a cold this week, but as I watched him start to get better, I started to think about that whole process. Our Heavenly parents created us, and our bodies, with such amazing perfection. Our bodies know exactly how to root out infection and heal us from a cold or other illnesses. If we brake a bone, the bone eventually fuses back together. We slice our finger, our skin grows back together. As I thought about this most of the week, I realized what a miracle and work of faith our bodies are. It is a miracle that once something is broken, it isn't that way forever. The other amazing thing about our bodies is that, in conjunction with faith, anything is possible. We pray for a loved one to get well soon, and then we exercise faith in their behalf and a miracle happens. Things that aren't supposed to heal do, or things that take longer to heal miraculously heal in a few days! I am so thankful for my body and the hard work it does for me everyday and I am grateful for Heavenly Parents who made mine the way they needed to, with enough weakness for me to fall or to get sick, so that I might try to obtain enough faith to be healed. It is an amazing process and I am thankful for it. What are you thankful for?

Monday, November 21, 2011

A gratitude attitude... Nov 21st

This month has flown by it seems. Maybe when you are grateful for things, the time just flies by. Today I am grateful for two things, and they are completely unrelated. The first is, I am grateful for a real date with my hubby. Since my parents are here, they offered to watch my little guy ( I am grateful for that also) and Kenny and I were able to go out to dinner at a wonderful Italian restaurant here in town that we hadn't tried before, and then we hit the dollar theater to watch a movie; something that has only happened one other time since Shiloh was born. We ended up watching The Help. It was a really great show.
The other thing I am grateful for is a really nice and honest Realtor. He is always checking up on the status of things on houses and emailing and calling us. He remembers things, like that my parents are in town and offers to take them through the house we have an offer on. There are a lot of other things, but I won't write them all down. It is just nice to have found someone who cares as opposed to someone who just wants money and so they don't really care about you. I know it seems like a weird thing to be thankful for, but I am. What are you thankful for?

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thankful... Nov 20th

Today I am thankful for the rain. Although it is quite cold, it is much needed whenever we can get it. besides, it creates such a beautiful feeling of fall all around. The overcast skies, The crisp autumn air, and even the smell that is distinctly fall. I love it and I am grateful for it! What are you thankful for?

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Nov 19th...Gratitude

My parents get into town today for thanksgiving week! I am really excited. I haven't really planned all that we are going to do. I am actually not sure I can keep them preoccupied for a whole week here, but I am pretty excited none the less! What are you thankful for?

Thanksgiving...Nov 18th

I am grateful that there are two heart beats in me. (One is mine)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Shiloh is getting to be so BIG

Today Shiloh started walking around clinging to the walls. I think if he got brave, he might be able to do it by himself!!! Crazy. I feel like in some ways I just had him, and then again, in other ways it feels like it is about time. I will have to get a picture son, but I thought I would post so that I could remember the day that he started wall walking :)

So Thankful... Nov 17th

Today I am thankful for my bed. I haven't been feeling too hot today. Nothing horrible, but still not great. I was up early with Shiloh this morning and the minute he went down for a nap, I went and laid down in my bed and took one too. I am so glad that I don't have to sleep on the floor or on a mat or anything like that...I get to sleep on a nice warm soft and comfy bed. What are you grateful for?

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Thankfulness...Nov 16th

Today I am thankful to be a mom! I love my little Shiloh, and I feel so blessed to be able to teach and care for him. I also feel like the minute I became a mom, I was blessed with a little more charity and the ability to finally start thinking of someone else instead of myself. It wasn't necessarily an easy transition, but it is the best one that has ever happened to me, and I feel so blessed to be able to share that with my Kenny who is an awesome daddy. I am also thankful that I got to witness the incredible transformation of Kenny from just hubby to hubby and daddy. He is a great daddy (and hubby too). What are you thankful for?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Nov 15th...again

I just have to add something that I am thankful for today. I have been having a bit of an off day and week, but nothing serious, just the house is a mess and such. My new visiting teacher showed up today by herself because the other one's daughter was sick. My house, mind you is a bit of a disaster, and I was super embarrassed but there hasn't been the time today to do anything about it. I had the plan to at least straighten, but nothing has worked out that way today. This kind woman walked in and without even knowing me folded my laundry with me while we chatted. I am thankful for her! How nice! I need to be a lot more like her, and look for opportunities to serve those around me. Not just ask, but look and see and do! Just had to add this!

When you have a gratitude attitude...November 15th

It has been interesting, this whole "gratitude every day" gig. I have noticed that I have been looking for things that I am grateful for. I guess, unfortunately, I am not usually a very grateful or thankful person. Not to say that I am not grateful for anything, but I guess I am not constantly thinking about it. I say the few normal things everyday in my prayers, and then I move on and I don't think about it for the rest of the day. How could I have been so blind or reluctant to acknowledge what I have been given? Now, though, I find myself thinking all day about what I am grateful for. It is like a ripple effect. You start thinking of one thing and then you start thinking of more. Each thing makes you think of something else you are grateful for. It has been a wonderful experience thus far, and I truly feel blessed, and not only do I feel blessed, but I feel excited to find more things that create this awesome sense of gratitude in my heart. I know over the ages one may find many a quote referencing to the importance of a gracious spirit and thankful heart, and I am not the first person to discover it, nor will I be the last, but I am truly thankful to have unearthed it in myself. Today, I was trying to think of one thing I am grateful for, and I have just come to the conclusion that I am just Thankful in general today. I am truly blessed in every facet of my life. There is nothing that I want for in my life. I may feel greedy at times, and think that I deserve something or that I "need" something, but I don't. I have the Spirit, and knowledge of the Spirit. I have a loving family, which includes so many more than those who just live with me. I have friends. I have clothes and food and water and shelter! The list goes on and on and on. It is endless. I could write one thing down for the rest of my life and never lack for something new to be grateful for. In my heart, I feel so badly for not recognizing the things I have been given. I have a new ambition to keep these feelings and this new version of me, the thankful one, alive. I truly hope that I can. I also hope that I can teach my children to be thankful. It makes life seem a little more rose colored, and who couldn't use a little more of that in their life? In my humble opinion, I think everyone could use something that helps them see how truly good their life is. I am not just saying that gratitude makes you think that things are good when they aren't, I am saying that gratitude makes you see the things that are good and great even though, before applying it, things may have looked a bit grimmer. It helps us shed a negative outlook and put on a positive one. By sharing with one another what we are thankful for, we strengthen one another and help one another see the blessings we have. What are you thankful for?

Monday, November 14, 2011

Nov 14th...Gratitude

I am really grateful for the fact that Shiloh took a great nap today. Yesterday, the naps were non-existent, so today. I am super thankful that he at least has one good nap under his belt. Yay for happy me and happy him. What are you thankful for?

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Gratitude...November 13th

I am thankful today that my house got vacuumed yesterday. I know it seems like such a simple thing, and not a very good thing for a list of things to be grateful for, but I am really really grateful for it. It seems that ever since I have had Shiloh that I NEVER seem to get to the vacuuming. Either he is asleep, and I am not going to vacuum then, or he is awake and he is a bit scared of the vacuum. Well yesterday Shiloh was awake and Kenny was home and he vacuumed while I held Shiloh and showed him that the vacuum wasn't scary. He actually got pretty interested in it, and once he got used to the idea of it, he wanted to watch it with me sitting close by. I know it may seem like a ridiculous thought of gratitude, but I am thankful for it. It feels so good to be in a house with no crumbs on the floor. Now if I can only get to the other things that need to be done, like mopping, dusting, putting away all of the summer clothes.....

Saturday, November 12, 2011

I am thankful for.... Nov 12th

Today I am grateful for my voice. There are so many things I can do with it. I can sing my child to sleep. I can have a wonderful conversation with a friend. I can chat with my husband about his day at work. I can let someone know what I want, or what I don't want. I can bear my testimony at church. I can call a friend or family member on the phone hundreds or thousands of miles away and still be able to communicate with them. I can also say things as I would say them. I know that seems a little confusing, but if I didn't have my own voice, I would never be able to get my exact point across and articulate exactly how I feel to my loved ones. I am also able to pray with my voice. Although, I could silently say a prayer, without a voice I would never feel that wonderful feeling of praying out loud and knowing that I will be heard. If I didn't have a voice I wouldn't be able to any of these things, and I am so grateful for it! What are you thankful for?

Friday, November 11, 2011

Gratitude... November 11th

Today I am thankful for books. They teach us so much. They can help us relate to different situations by giving us a look into someone else's mind, they can teach us things we need to know about the world around us, They can helps us learn from the past, and they are also something quite fulfilling to pass the time. It is quite funny that I as I get older I have even begun to be thankful for, and enjoy textbooks ( as long as I am not going to be tested on the material and just get to learn for the pure joy of learning) I am grateful for them in all of their many different forms. What are you thankful for?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

November 10th

I have been thinking a lot today and this week in general about Heavenly Parents. I am thankful that they are there. I am glad that I have a Father who loves me. I am especially grateful for a Heavenly Mother who I get to try and be like one day, hopefully. I'm grateful to have the opportunity to acknowledge their hands in all things. I love Them! I hope that I can have a closer more sincere relationship with them as I learn to understand the Spirit. I am also thankful for everything that they let me experience that helps me become more like them. It may not always be easy or fun, but it teaches so much and helps me in ways I am sure that I can't even comprehend. I also hope that I can remember them and be more grateful to Them on a daily basis and not just in the month of November.... I should put that on my new Year's goal list, right? What are you thankful for?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Thanksgiving... November 9th

So I have been doing this on facebook, but thought it would be appropriate to post on my blog as well. Each day I am going to write something I am thankful for until Thanksgiving. And since I am late on my blog I am going to post ones for all of the days before :)

Nov 9: I am thankful for the old man who saw Shiloh and I walking from the car to the building in the rain without an umbrella, and decided to run to us and cover us with his coat and walk with us to the front door. thank you! So grateful that there are still kind, chivalrous men in the world!

Nov 8: I am thankful for the opportunity to change, become better, and to repent.

Nov 7: I am grateful that I get to watch my little guy explore all of the new to him things in the world.... today he discovered my bin of paperclips. It made a mess, but he was in heaven!

Nov 6: I am grateful for clothes to keep me warm....such a good thing to have and yet I hardly ever take notice at what a blessing it is. It might not be the most profound thought of gratitude, but I and thankful none the less.

Nov 5: I am grateful that Shiloh is starting to scoot around the apartment army crawl style, even though it means that I have to vacuum more. He just seems a lot happier and htat makes me a lot happier.

Nov 4: I am thankful for friends. God always sends the ones you need at exactly the time you need them.

Nov 3: I am thankful for running water, and along with that comes toilets. the story behind this thankful thought of the day is that yesterday while looking at houses we came across on that was vacant and the water was turned off. I had to go sooooo bad!!!!! I totally thought i was gonna have to pee in the bushes or something. I almost didn't make it back into town. it sucked to wait, but it made me grateful for what we have!

Nov 2: I am thankful for the knowledge we can gain... I tis such a blessing to be able to learn about all of the good things that God has given us!

Nov 1: I am thankful for my husband....he is the best thing that has ever happened to me!

The next couple of weeks should be fun and a bit shorter to read day by day!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Halloween 2011

I do have to say that this Halloween was an absolute bummer!!!! We usually have a grand dinner with lots of decorations, lots of friends, lots of haunted food, and lots of costumes.... This year we didn't have any decorations, nowhere to have a dinner party, no pumpkins, and the only costume was Shiloh's, in which he wasn't dressed in until right before bed because we thought we should at least create some sort of picture memory for him and I already bought the costume. If any of you know me, you know how out of character this Halloween was for me. In fact, when telling my little sister Chandi that I wasn't doing anything, she commented, "Sister, you HAVE to dress up or something, if you don't, you might cease to be Brittani!" Don't worry folks, I am still here and as far as I can tell I am still Brittani...but I was pretty bitter about the no Halloween fun for a few days after. (this is why it has taken me so long to post, I didn't want to rehash the bitter all over again) Next year I am going to rock it out and do double duty. Sorry Kenny, I know it isn't you favorite holiday, but you got the year off!!

Here is our cute little Zebra

Here is the cute little tail and mane

I had to include this one because it is Shiloh trying to pull off the costume, but instead he is pulling his head down to the ground. It was really funny.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Apartments.....and the things I will not miss about them.

I will NOT miss
-sharing a wall with Shiloh and hearing him scratch it at 4 o'clock in the morning
-sharing a wall with the laundromat and hearing people's stuff bang in the dryers
-paying $1 just to wash 1 load of clothes.
-taking my laundry across the building only to find out that all of the washers are full
-the smoking hangout spot being on the patio right outside my window
-the maintenance man and his daughters smoking in the laundry room
-hearing my neighbors yell at each other.
-going up a flight of 25 stairs every time I need to leave
-going up and down a flight of 25 stairs several times and running to the car in the rain just as many times just to get the groceries in the apartment from the car
-hearing my neighbor's puppy yipe and whine and cry at all hours of the day and night.
-stepping in said puppy's poop on the patio.
-Hearing the garbage man emptying out the huge dumpsters on the street in front of me on Monday and Thursday at 5 am, on my street on Tuesday & Friday and 5 am, and the street behind me on Wednesday and Saturday at 5 am.
-a lack of counter space
-folding chairs and card tables as our main furniture
-having to eat in the living room because the kitchen is too small for a table and chairs
-being without a couch
-having to go through some parts of storage to find the things that I need and then only to realize that I won't be able to find it and I have to do without or buy something that I know I have but can't get to.
-not being able to decorate for my favorite holidays because everything is in storage
-having a blanket for curtains because we don't want to buy some that won't work for our house
-having my shower water turn cold whenever the washers in the laundromat get used
and finally.....
-paying for something that isn't ours...

Well I know this was a bit of a rant, but I had to get it off of my chest, so there it is. Sorry if you got all of the way to the bottom. A lot of complaining, I know. I am also sorry if you can empathize with any of the these things. I really am thankful we have a place to stay and I know it could be worse. Just to keep that in mind the next time the puppy starts barking at 2 o'clock in the morning is the key.