

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Confessions of a goal-a-phobe.. i.e. someone who is afraid of making goals

I have a confession to make.... I am 26 years old and I have never made a New Year's Goal.... NEVER. In fact, I have not made many goals in my life. I always thought it sounded like a grand idea, but I was always afraid of letting myself, and others, down. I know that some of you goal setters and planners out there are completely and utterly shocked that someone could live 26 years on this earth and not have made many goals. I guess as I look back on things, I have always been afraid of failure. I know why I am afraid of it, but that is another whole several posts that I will not get into. It is just sufficient to say that I am afraid of it, VERY AFRAID. It has even been hard for me to admit how afraid of it I am. When you haven't set your mind to be someone or to do something, even if it is good, you don't feel so bad when you mess up. And thus, mediocrity becomes your life.
Well Ladies and Gentlemen, not that any of you really care, but I am making some goals this year. Nothing hard or too drawn out. I think most of the time, people don't complete their year long goals anyway. One of my goals is to set some goals. That way I am accountable for getting, or not getting them done. One of my other goals is to read the Book of Mormon in two months. I am a quick reader, and it only comes out to about 9 pages a day. I feel like a quick read will give a "bigger picture" sort of feeling to the stories and lessons taught there. I had to write it down so that others knew, that way I won't back out last minute.
I have to admit that I am pretty proud of myself for making some New Year's goals for the first time ever. Also, a little nervous. Plus, I can do something for 2 months, right? Here's to hoping that I can learn to grow up a little and start on the many improvements that I need.


  1. Hooray for goal setting. I am a big goal setter but I lack in the "follow-through" catagory unless it is very specific. And even then, I often forget about it all too soon. I think the 2 month goal is a great one! Good job. Round of applause :)

  2. Way to go! I tend to run away from concrete goal setting too. I think because I am too hard on myself if I don't do it perfectly. But I did read the book of mormon in a couple of months once before and I really enjoyed it. The stories really come together better when you read more than one chapter a day.

  3. Brittani, don't be so hard on yourself. I think you are a great goal setter, even if you might not write them down. You've had goals to: get married in the temple, have a baby, move to Missouri, get a house, and all the big and little things you do each day! Those are goals too, and I think you've accomplished some pretty impressive goals since I've known you! Go girl!

  4. Good for you! I think that's a great goal. I love setting goals, but have slacked off in the past couple of years. I like having small monthly goals rather than huge year-long life-changing monsters that get out of control! Although one year I set a goal to read all of the standard works in one year--I had a printed schedule and everything! All I did in my spare time was read the scriptures, but I got it done by November. I like the monthly goals better--then you can have more of them! Like one year I spent a month learning to make bread, another learning how to make tamales, another reading as many Newberry award books as I could. They seem like silly goals now, but that was a fun year! Good luck with your goal to have goals! (was this comment long enough? sometimes i'm a chatty cathy!)
