

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Does anybody else out there find it particularly hard to pack? I am not saying that it is literally hard to throw things in boxes, but, where does one begin. Even then, once one has begun, where do you go from there? I feel like I don't want to pack anything away that we are going to be using in the next couple of days. We are already down to the bare minimum as is.

I also find it very hard to keep focused. I think to myself, whilst packing, "I should really be doing this, or I should really clean that before I pack it." Then I leave the room even though packing is what I REALLY should be doing.

I also can't seem to stay in one room and just pack everything in that room that needs to be all in one shot. Either, I find something in that room that really should be packed with some things in another room and I leave just to put it in that room with the intention of coming right back, but I don't, or I get overwhelmed with that particular room and think it would be better if I just took a small break and then came back to that room in a minute, but then I don't, or I inevitably run out of boxes or packaging tape and, therefore, get distracted on my way to gather said supplies. Do you see a pattern here? So, every room in my house has a few boxes, only half way full and it seems that nothing is actually getting done.

Currently, Shiloh is sleeping, and I should be a whirlwind of organization and a packing fiend, but instead, here I sit. Blogging about how I get distracted, and find it hard to actually get the packing done. Sheesh! I'm pathetic.

If any of you struggle with the same packing issues as I do, and have some solutions, I am all ears. You would think I am a 7 year old trying to pack, but instead I am a 26 year old trying to pack with attention span of a 7 year old, and maybe even the organizations skills of one as well! Nothing against 7 year olds or anything. They are great. I just should have about 20 more years experience at learning to focus and get things done. Well, I really should get off and pack....or maybe I should really do the dishes instead.


  1. I'm sorry I've genetically downloaded a lot of myself to you! Too bad you can't make a folder that's called 'Mom's Genetics'. You could then hit delete and the computer would ask, "Are sure you want to delete 'Mom's Gentetics?' after hitting 'yes' you would be cured! I saw a cartoon like that a while back...good luck! The only tip I have is...FOCUS..I know it never worked for me either.

  2. I hate packing & moving! It is one of those things that you don't really have time for, but you have to do it. Now you know how lucky you were last time when the company moved you! You have a smaller place right now, but it's full of the things you are using, which are the hardest things to pack. Soon all has to go on hold and into the boxes. It's like camping in your own house there for a while.

    1. Camping in my own house...that is the perfect description of it.
