

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Two major things happened to Shiloh today...and they are not really related...only kind of.

Today, Shiloh was all over the place climbing and getting into everything. I put him down for a nap.... there is a bit of back story to this. I am getting ahead of myself.

Yesterday morning when we got Shiloh out of bed for the day, we noticed that we should probably move the crib mattress down to its lowest notch. We (i.e. Kenny and I) discussed this and decided that We would do this on Saturday morning, when we move to the new house. We were going to be taking the crib apart anyway. The discussion happened Wednesday morning. What could happen in a couple of days. Well, with Shiloh a lot can happen in a couple of days, as you will see. I put Shiloh down for his afternoon nap on Thursday, just slightly more than 24 hours later.

I heard him wake up with his normal jibbering. The jibber jabber went on for about 10 seconds, then I here a THUD!!!

I start to run to his room and then the delayed crying begins just as I open the door.

That is right folks, this horrible procrastinating mother's 11 month old climbed out of his crib and fell on the ground! I felt horrible. I started checking him for broken bones. He was fine. Once the wind came back to him, he was way less shaken than me. I didn't even know that he was old enough to do such things. It wasn't like he was totally bending over the edges. He was just starting to get taller, that's it. I felt, and feel, like an idiot for procrastinating.

The lucky part of this story? I was packing in his room before he went down to sleep. I left a huge pile of clothing on the ground and decided to take care of it later. Luckily, he fell on to the clothing pile.

Some mothers! And I am one of them! Needless to say, before Shiloh went down for the night, Kenny lowered the crib. No more procrastinating things of that nature....

Now for the second thing, that I am not sure would have happened if we were not lowering the mattress just before bed. Shiloh was playing by the rocking chair. but very intrigued at what daddy was doing with the crib. It was rolling around.

He looked at the crib, and just took 5 or 6 steps to it. No coaxing or tricking or begging. Not having him walk from me to daddy or vise versa, just did it. We of course clapped and showered him with comments of adoration and congratulation, so he just took five more steps Kenny. After that he kind of lost the drive, but he walked today, just a little. It makes me sad that he is growing up, scared at what else he will get into, but also excited that he took his first steps.

Crazy day I tell ya!


  1. A message for Shiloh: Congrats on your first steps buddy. That's great! Please stop doing crazy, dangerous things that scare the life out of your mommy!!!
    Auntie Heather

  2. I think that my mom told you that I fell out of my crib as a baby too. And I turned out alright.. didn't I! :) I didn't put the crib together right when we moved it to a different room. I went in and found my 7 or 8 month old under the crib. The front had opened and he fell through. It was a miracle he didn't get caught in it. That was a bad mothering day. They are amazingly blessed to live through all they put themselves through!

    1. It is so true! I keep telling myself if he makes it to 2 with no major owies, then we should throw a party!
