

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My little whirlwind

In the past month, Shiloh has decided that he wants to be into every cupboard and do everything that we are doing. He also has decided to climb. Don't have any climbing pictures because I pretty much freak out and run and grab him instead of taking a picture. I have found him on top of a rocking chair, a step stool, the dishwasher door, a ladder, and a few other chairs. He is quick too. It seems I look away for a moment and all of sudden he is in danger of falling backwards. He also loves pulling things out of cupboards, drawers, and, to my dismay, boxes that I am packing for the move.

Here he is "helping" with dishes

Shiloh's favorite cupboard to hang out in, and lately, try to climb in to.

This is what he does when we take him into the lobby in the middle of sacrament. He even finds adventures to go on there.
When I saw him in the small appliance cupboard, he was actually standing with his back towards me. I didn't get a great pic of that, but this one was pretty good.
Boy! Do I have my hands full with him! I have to keep an eye on him or we are going to end up with some owies at this house ;)


  1. Looks like you've got a Colby on your hands. Or as we called him...the Colbinator. Curious, fast & fearless. Scary combination. But adorable and fun too :) Good luck. My advice, once you are in your new house....invest in some good cabinet, drawer and frig locks. But then keep a cabinet (or two) unlocked full of kid friendly things (plastic cups, Tupperware, etc) or even an empty cabinet and let them play in it. They'll be happy you did (and you'll be happy you did) so they still have somewhere to explore and play in.

  2. Haha.. I love it. We do often say that he reminds us of the stories we heard about Colby. Actually, Kenny always said he just loved Colby and thought it would be fun to have one a lot like him. Well, thus far, it is a lot of fun and a lot of CRAZY! It is funny you mention leaving a cupboard or two for him, because we just planned that last night. He loves playing with the cans, so that is going to go on the bottom and he is welcome to it. :D
