

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen! I have internet again.

So it has been a little over a week since I have posted anything. Along with that week of no posting, there was no internet. I have a few things that I discovered during my internetless week...

1. I missed blogging and catching up with other blogs. A little weird to have actually missed something as abstract as a blog, but I did nonetheless.

2. I am far more productive when I don't even have a computer within 20 miles of my new house. (The laptop was at the apartment in town where there was internet in case Kenny needed to print something off in the time of no internet at the new house) I clean more. I unpack many more boxes. I play with my child more intently(kind of ashamed I have to admit that, but tis true) I read more. I speak on the phone with friends and catch up in the "real" way as opposed to the "virtual" way. There are pros and cons to both ways, but it had been a while for the real way.

3. I am a little more grumpy when I don't have some sort of outlet during naps. I like to tell the world, or the three or four of you that read my blog, what is going on with me, or just to lose myself in something mindless for a few minutes.

4. I had less headaches from staring at the computer screen.

5. I need to learn self control now that the internet is back. I want to be more productive and maybe make some limits of when would be a good time to be on the internet, and when wouldn't. I would like to get more things done, and not just spend nap time ( the entire 3 hours worth) on the computer.

It is interesting what you learn when you have to do without something. You realize things about yourself that you may not have otherwise. Some of the things are not what you would like to admit about yourself, but a little time for introspection is always good, as long as you take what you learn and do something about it.


  1. I agree (with everything you said). I miss my internet when it is gone...but I find I am much more productive without it. So learning how to limit it and not allowing it to control our lives is key. I really need to set a time limit too. Or a time slot when I get on the computer instead of popping on and off it all day long.

  2. Totally am with you on this one too. Like right now it is 10 in the morning. I should be reading to my kids... which I am going to do next :) instead of being on the internet. Once our business is gone I may try going internet free. Just will give me more incentive to go to the library to use the internet there :)

  3. If I had a library close enough, then I would definitely try it. Oh, and if I could skype at the library too.
