

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

On babies and motherhood (and Pregnancy update for 31 weeks)

My ever expanding belly (and yes, my maternity shirts are almost too short already, and I still have 2 more months, what's a girl to do? I might be moving on to MooMoos)

I read a blog post today(Life of Bon...Great blog by the way).... It was about motherhood, and "how could you possibly know you were ready to have a kid?" This post was opened up for comments and advice at the end. It made me think....A LOT. As I wrote about motherhood, and how it was for the first time for me, I started to think about how blessed I was to be a mother.

Let's be honest.....

I have been feeling terrified lately at the prospect of having 2 children. Last night I said a prayer that I could feel at peace, come what may in the next few months.

This blog, as odd as it sounds, was the answer to my prayers. It gave me the opportunity to think about motherhood. It was really the ability to sit down and write about motherhood, and what it meant, that made all the difference this morning, and it made my heart so full of gratitude for the children that I am blessed with.

Well I am just going to paste my comment that I made. It expresses so much of what I feel about motherhood, and I actually am feeling more excited to meet this new little guy than I ever could have imagined.

I had my first when I was 26, which in mormonville, as you stated, is ancient ;) I know it has been said that you can never fully prepare yourself. You will never be ready to be completely selfless, but that is what motherhood teaches you. It teaches you to turn your focus from yourself to something much more wonderful than yourself (not that you aren't wonderful!)It is the HARDEST, BEST thing you will ever do. You will be taught to be Christ like. You will learn to love in a way you never could have imagined. Is a poopy diaper fun? No way! Is a baby crying at you fun? Absolutely not. But.....and there is a huge and resounding BUT in this instance, the reward of a child learning to kiss you on the lips and then doing it over and over again, just because they love you, or the sigh of a sleeping newborn on your chest, or knowing that you are this tiny little being's world, and you really are their favorite person, regardless of any and all imperfections you have, or a million other little things I could state, somehow makes it all worth it. It may rock your world, especially the first few months, but when you put it all in retrospect...you would never go back to before you had a child. Despite any and all difficulties, you don't want to give them back....because you love them with all your heart. This, the whole loving a new "stranger" with all your heart, comes with the territory and is a wonderful, wonderful blessing. There is just something about serving someone 24/7 that makes you love them more than you ever could know,and it makes them love you too. This child will be yours and your hubby's, and there is nothing more beautiful than that! ....

I have a testimony of what a magnificent calling motherhood is. I could write a whole essay about it, but that would just get long winded. I wouldn't trade it though, despite it being difficult and terrifying sometimes.)

On to the preggers update:

I am 31 weeks pregnant. Crazy. I had to look it up. I had lost count a couple weeks back. This last stretch just blends into itself.

I am always starving....then I am only able to fit 5 bites of anything in my stomach before I feel full.

This little guy moves around constantly.

I am always tried.

My hips ache.

But I have to admit, I feel pretty good in comparison to my previous pregnancy. I am much more active this time around (some by choice, some by force, considering the 1 year old running circles around me and my whole house)

I crave chocolate, pizza, gummi bears, and any form of beef. I could even eat them all in the same meal, and I would be one happy camper! Disgusting, I know! And yet, even writing about it is making my mouth water. That is how gross I am. I know it is gross, but it isn't enough to stop me from wanting all of them on the same table.

My sleep is hit or miss at best. Mostly, because I pee about 7 times a night and I get charlie horses in my bottom 2 to 3 times a night. But the best part about being up that many times... I know it seems weird that there could be a good part, but there is one. The best part is just feeling this little guy move around all over the place. It means he is doing great.
I haven't started getting any stretch marks yet, but I am sure they will come some time. My belly button is still in. Gotta love that.

All of maternity shirts are getting a bit short. Hopefully a few of them will last until I have him.
I also have been nesting like crazy, but not in the same way as last time. The nursery is already put together, Shiloh is in it. I seem to focus all of this attention on Shiloh, and things we need to do for him before the baby comes. I have also been looking up double strollers (if you have suggestions for this one, within a reasonable price range, please share.) and organizing baby clothes.

Not much time left in the grand scheme of things, but I am sure we will get everything done before he gets here!


  1. You look beautiful, Britt! I teared up as I read your feelings about motherhood. It is a wonderful, amazing thing to love someone so much. That feeling continues to grow as your children do. Even when they are all grown up and married with kids of their own. I look at you and my other grown, married kids and you are still my babies. I still feel the same warmth when you hug me or say something kind. Our children are a gift loaned to us by a loving Heavenly Father. I love you Britty. Keep on the same path. You are an amazing mom!

  2. What a good reminder that motherhood is so wonderful. You are a wonderful mother! I can't believe you are already 31 weeks!

    Charlie horses in your butt, I have never heard of such a thing, that sounds painful. I think that because I am so tall I never get to the stage where I still can't eat more than most men eat. I bet that you being on the shorter side :) also causes you to get up 7 times at night to pee, that sucks! Good luck with the home stretch. On one hand I hope that he come early too, but on the other you might want to cherish your alone with Shiloh time a bit longer. Love ya!

  3. Wow, just realized it's been a while since you blogged. Way to make up for it. I appreciate you words about motherhood. You have such a way with words and you really know how to look on the bright side of a tough job. I can't believe you've even found a bright side to waking up in the night! You are right though, it is worth it! I just realized something funny. Heather & I are almost as close in age as your two boys will be, and born in the same months, except our bdays are opposite. I was born in June and she was born in January. :)

  4. It IS scary to go from one to two. It just is. But once you come out of the newborn fog, two kids are better than one! I was 29 when I had my first kid--seriously GERIATRIC in mormon-land! I still didn't feel prepared for the serious changes it would bring. More importantly, I wasn't prepared for the joy it would bring either. I had no idea! Who knew that you could be on the brink of pulling your hair out at the end of the day and then longing to get back home to your kids after being away from them for 20 minutes?! Hang in there--the second pregnancy definitely goes by faster! :)

  5. Great words. So true. And after reading everyone else's comments...they took everything I was going to say :) But I'll just add -- Motherhood changes EVERYTHING and I'm so glad I did it. I can't even fathom who I would be without the changes that motherhood played in my life.

  6. Great post. I really want a Joovy Caboose. It's a sit and stand style but not nearly as long front to back, so it's easier to maneuver. This might not be a good fit for your bunch though because of their close ages. I will say that I hate side by side strollers because kids fight more sitting that close and constantly touching each other.
