

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The New Addition To Our Family ( and I am not talking about a baby)

We are official country folk now. We got a small yard tractor.

Did you hear me? A TRACTOR.
Never in a million years, if you would have asked me when I was a teenager, would I have ever said that 10 years from now I will be living in Missouri, in the country, and be really excited about getting a tractor, but I am. It is used, and it is old, and it is loud, but it is VERY helpful. It has 48" mower deck, which is pretty much a necessity if you have about 2 acres of lawn. It has a tiller...great for the garden. It has a plow...also great for the garden. It has a snow plow. We, for obvious reasons have not used it yet, but it will be great for this winter.

Another perk? Shiloh is in LOVE, and I mean IN LOVE, with tractors. Even before we ever got one, he would walk around the house saying, "Truh-Terrrr, Truh-terrr" over and over again. He makes tractor noises. He thinks all trucks, cars, lawn mowers, hose reels that have wheels, strollers, motorcycles, ATV's, and the like are tractors. When we went to the tractor dealership, he was in heaven. He literally threw a tantrum and cried when we had to leave and drive away. He also points out the kitchen window to the barn(where our lawn tractor lives) at least 3 dozen times a day and says tractor. We take excursions daily to the barn, just to touch the tractor, or look at it.

The icing on the cake; taking a ride with daddy on the tractor. He pretty much thinks that if Kenny is home, then they should be riding the tractor together. Nevermind wasting gas, stopping to eat dinner, getting other things done, or going to bed. He wants to live on that thing, and may, or may not, have terrible temper tantrums if he doesn't get his way. Although,this obsession might be helpful later in life when he is old enough to ride it himself and actually mow the lawn for us.....

The downside? Now we have to actually do a bunch of the things we have been putting off because we didn't have the right equipment to do it :)

ps Did you notice how all of the pictures have Shiloh on the tractor with daddy? Yeah, so did I.


  1. I love that Shiloh loves Tractors so much! Love my Shiloh!

  2. Wow! Those 2 boys look like they're in heaven! I know how to get Shiloh in a toddler bed.....get one, or make it look like a TRACTOR!! I miss that smiley face! Everything looks greener than last month even.

  3. Oh my gosh it's BEAUTIFUL! 2 acres of lawn? Sign me up. :D Would you be surprised if I told you how jealous I am of your life?

  4. LOL. That is so cute about Shiloh's obsession with the tractor. Hope Kenny enjoys it as much cause he'll be spending a lot of time using it.

  5. @ Amy-I would and I wouldn't be surprised. Mostly because I love it so much that I think that everybody should love it too, but then when I talk to most people, they just think we are crazy. haha

  6. Adorable -- those 2 boys on the tractor. Shiloh will grow up to be a true "country-boy." That tractor sounds like it will be a great thing to have around. And it looks beautiful. I'm dying to come out there for a visit!!!
