

Friday, April 13, 2012

Grannie and Pops came to visit

So.... Uh... hmmmmm....

I am very behind on blogging. I took a bit of a break from blogging. Not because I don't enjoy it, but because I was feeling overwhelmed with how much I have to catch up on.

But, alas, I have now come to terms with the fact that if I don't get this done really soon, I will be very behind because I will have another baby to blog about, and I don't want to miss posting about all of the memories that we have had recently.

Kenny's parents came to town. it was really fun to have them. They were the first visitors to come to our new house. My parents had come, but we were still in our apartment then. It was so much fun to show them around the area. I love showing people why we love it here. I think most of our friends and family still can't comprehend the move, but when we get them out here, they can see why we are so happy.

I unfortunately did not take a lot of pictures, but we did a lot of fun things. We went to museums and on lots of outdoor excursions. Some of the outdoor excursions happened right here on our property. We have about 2 acres of cleared land, but then we have about 2.5 acres of woods, with a trail running all of the way through it. We went fro little adventures. Kenny showed his parents the stream that we found running through the woods, a little off of the beaten path. We looked for wild blackberry plants, which we found in abundance in our backyard. Yay for berries! We just played outside a lot. It was great.

The last couple of days of their trip we went to St. Louis. Ken and i were able to go to the temple. it was beautiful and so nice that we didn't have to worry about a babysitter for Shiloh. We went swimming. Then we went to the zoo. Did you know that the zoo in St. Louis is free? And it isn't a lame zoo AT ALL! It was fantastic. Parking was $10, but for five people to park at the zoo, I would have to say that we got in for a steal of a deal. Most of my pics are from the zoo, so I will unload a few of them on you right here.
So, Second in Shiloh's loves in life are birds. First and always first, are tractors, but then there comes birds as a close second. He make bird noises. He can here them when most of us aren't even listening for them. Luckily we have lots of birds around. The above pic is of him walking through the swamp birds aviary. He LOVED it. We stayed in there extra long. I had to steal my mother-in-law's hat because I have a terrible track record of getting pooped on by birds, wild or caged, they seem to find me a target.
Shiloh and Grannie looking at the birds. You can see that he is captivated.
Here are the giraffes. The funny thing about the zoo was, besides the birds, I think Shiloh had more fun looking at the plaques in front of the cages with the picture of the animal, than actually looking at the animals themselves.
We were very close to the penguins. They would jump in the water and you would be splashed. If there wasn't any one watching that this didn't happen, you could have reached out and touched them. It was awesome.
This is Shiloh at the hotel. He was so content in this chair. He thought it was a blast just to climb up in it and lounge. It is the simple things I guess that make life great.

It was a blast to have Kenny's parents around, but it was sad to see them go since they live in Tucson and we only get to see them every once in while.


  1. I am in the EXACT same spot. I am so behind on some major blogging events that I feel overwhelmed and so I do nothing. But good for you for doing it. I'll just spend time leaving comments on other people's blogs instead :)

    Looks like a fun trip!

  2. It was a wonderful trip! You introduced us to a part of the country we couldn't even imagine before! So green, and so much room! It is beautiful, and you 3 are perfectly in harmony with the lifestyle and land. The only draw back for me is that you are so far away from us!
