

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Update on goal-a-phobia

Remember when I posted all about being afraid of making goals because I am afraid to fail? Well, I completed a goal that I set for myself. I finished The Book of Mormon yesterday... (for any of you who are looking at the calendar, yes it is two days early thank you very much)

It felt good, and not to mention, the scriptures are such a great strength when you are struggling with so much in life. You can all just be very proud of me.

I have not, however, been an ace at the whole writing in my journal thing. Complete fail. I think I am going to choose to look at it more as a learning experience. It will make me feel better about it.


  1. Go you!!! (Is that just this year? because holy smokes!)

    1. Thanks! Yup just this year.... First time I have ever read it in less than a year. It was good and hard.

  2. Doesn't blogging count as journaling? Cuz you've done really well at that. I finally just started a second blog that was just for me and called it my journal. It has helped make it easier for me. I still don't manage to do it daily...but between the 2 blogs I usually write something 3-5 times a week.
    And congrats on the book of mormon finish. That is awesome.

  3. I actually just asked Brad this weekend when we are every going to follow through with the goals that we make. But I guess we keep trying to I hope that counts for something :) Way to go on the BoM!
