

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Confessions of a pregnant mother of a 1 year old.

Sometimes...when I go to the grocery store, I come across a treat and think to myself, "I deserve that." and then I throw the gummy bears in the cart. Fast forward ten minutes. I come across the S'mores poptarts. I repeat the process, forgetting that I had just thrown gummy bears in the cart earlier (Pregnancy brain), then ten minutes later I do the same thing with a candy bar, keeping in mind that I don't recall the previous 2 experiences. I get to the checkout counter and realize I have a ton of treats, and I buy them anyway, then I eat them.

Sometimes... I take two naps, just as long as Shiloh's, and I don't feel bad about it, and then I go to bed at 8.

Sometimes... I eat a whole carton of oreos in two days all by myself. (that I do feel bad about, not sure whats different about it than the grocery experience, but it is)

Sometimes... I pretend that chasing my 1 year old is enough exercise for the day, even though I should be doing a lot more.

Sometimes... I blame my tiredness and aches and pains on pregnancy, and although they are real a lot of times, I know that it is just me not getting enough sleep and being out of shape. Pregnancy seems to be a catch all excuse for everything for me.

Am I the only one that has done these things? Probably, but it sure does feel good to get it off of my chest


  1. You are NOT alone. I used my "pregnancy excuse" for lots of things -- including eating lots of bad stuff. Sometimes I miss my pregnancy excuse. Now I have no excuses!

  2. I am totally with you on the "blame the baby" game. I always blame the baby for any embarrassing bodily noise or smell that comes out of me. But honestly none of us have had a 1 year old and been prego so you need to be able to use some drastic measures to compensate for all the challenges you have right now. You are doing awesome. Wish I were there to share the oreos with ya!
