

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Time Out

"You're in time-out, head to your room 'til you can cool off."  I say this to Shiloh and it almost always ensues with screaming and more tantrum throwing than you can imagine. Today has been a day of time-outs and Sorry mom's.  We are in that 2 year old stage here at our house (Well almost, next Wednesday it will be officially here).  

I was looking at Shiloh freak out earlier today, and listening.  I thought to myself, "When did going to my room and closing the door behind me turn from a reason to throw a tantrum to a relaxing moment of quiet and peace that I don't get enough of?"

I am not sure when it happened, but I miss having a time out here and there.

So... That's what I am doing.  
Dinner is in the oven. 
Eli is sleeping.  
Shiloh and Ken are in the front room building a road and driving toy cars.  
I am in my room taking a time out.

You should have seen Shiloh's face when I told him that mommy was going to her room for a time out because she was grumpy.


I wonder if he is expecting me to start kicking the door and bawling....... Sounds stress relieving to say the least!

Happy Thursday All!

1 comment:

  1. Seriously a good idea. I have put myself in time out a few times and the kids are always a bit confused. I wonder if kicking the door would help get rid of some of the anger we as adult have to hold in.
