

Thursday, January 17, 2013

An Eli update...ummm I don't think I will be able to remember all of it, but I am gonna try anyway.

There is so much to update you on.  He is still just as cute, as the last time I posted, but so much more grown up.  He sits up on his own.  He is oh so close to crawling.  This of course makes him angry, oh SO angry.
If there is one thing about Eli's personality that is very prevalent, and has been from an early age, it is that you know exactly what is on his mind.  He never leaves one guessing even if he can't speak yet.  When he is angry, he uses his whole body and lung capacity to tell you.  
On the flip side, when he is happy, he uses his whole body and lung capacity to tell you. I just can't get enough of the way he smiles with his whole body.

I venture to guess that this little guy is going to give us a run for a money.  He has absolutely no fear and no hesitation.  He would plunge off of a couch, out of your arms, into the bathtub head first, you name it he has tried it and he isn't even mobile yet.  Good thing we were always able to keep him safe.  We are going to be working on child proofing everything this weekend because, well, let's admit it, with Shiloh we didn't have to.  A stern, "No." was enough to stop him in his tracks.  Eli on the other hand, thinks that the word no is hilarious, the sterner the better.  He might even erupt into giggles for you if you say it just the right way.

He loves Sam, the dog.  He loves jumping in the jolley jumper.  He LOVES his brother Shiloh.  He can't wait to keep up with him.  His nickname is Springs. Even if you are holding him on your hip, and his feet aren't touching anything, he still moves his legs up and down as if he were bouncing.  He bounces all of the time. He also loves his mommy.  He loves drawstrings...I know, it is a bit weird, but hand him a sweater with a tie on it and he may be entertained for a good 20 minutes or so.  It can be a real life saver.  He also loves bath time, or mostly splashing and sucking on the wash cloth.

He doesn't sleep through the night yet, but he is getting closer and closer.  It seems that there is always some sort of hiccup to hinder the process.  Two steps forward, one step back.

He has his two bottom teeth.  I couldn't find a good pick to show you, so you will just have to imagine. 

Eli really is a little bundle of fun.  Some days, I am not sure what I am going to do with my little house of boys, but I sure wouldn't trade it.  Eli adds so much happiness to our home, and I really am glad that he came to us. He also teaches me a lot, and, I am sure, has a bunch more to teach me.  Can't wait!


  1. So cute. Wow he has changed a lot since we saw him! That 2nd picture reminds me of Kenny as a baby. :)

  2. I tell you what he really could be my son, he looks a lot like my kids! He is such a cutie and once he gets that freedom of crawling he will probably be even happier with life (that and the fact that he isn't barfing anymore!)

  3. The pictures on all of these posts are so darn cute! We knew that you and Kenny would produce darling kids...we just didn't know what they'd look like. They surpass the imagination! Just wish I were closer for more contact and hugs! I'm finding a back door way to comment on your posts. Let me know if they are coming through.
