

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Shiloh is 2!!!!!

Can you believe that I have a 2 year old?

Well I can't.  It seems almost unfathomable to me, and yet, at the same time, it feels like he has always been in our little family.  I can't remember what it was like to NOT be a mommy.  I really wouldn't have it any other way.

Shiloh is a bundle of joy, and temper tantrums.  But what 2 year old isn't?  

Shiloh Loves to help.  He can successfully stand on his step stool and put the silverware away correctly.  I find that very impressive. He loves to "wash" dishes (or stand on his step stool, run dishes under the cold water, take them from the dish drying rack and put them back into the sink, fill up clean glasses with water, drink it, and then accidentally-on purpose pour it out on the floor) He likes to shove Eli's Cheerios and binky in his mouth, even if he doesn't want it.  He likes to help me cook.  He loves to help me feed Sam.

Shiloh is a talker.  It amazes me how much clicks in that little head of his.  The other day he was saying, "Shidoh Kenniff Woolyums (Shiloh Kenneth Williams)" over and over again. I told him that was his full name.  Then Sam came up and took his carrot out of his hand.  He proceeds to sternly reprimand the dog like this, "Sammy Kenniff Woolyums, No No No!"  Kenny and I laughed.  Can anyone guess what I say when he is in trouble?  He knows so many words and talks in sentences.  He does have an interesting word for raisins though.  He calls them Rainies.  I love it.  I don't have the heart to correct him.  He also calls baby chicks, baby chips.  I won't correct that one yet either.  Whenever he gets in trouble, he automatically says, "Sorry mom, sorry mom, sorry mom, sorry mom" amid a shower of kisses on your leg or arm or hand or whatever of you is closest to him. He won't let you talk or try to explain to him what it is that he did wrong.  He just wants to move one.  I guess we all should, right?

He has a really sweet side.  He loves cuddles and kisses and hugs.  If I am gone for even a few minutes, when I come back in he says, " Mommy, I miss you."  Then he gives me a hug. He will then proceed to give Kenny and Eli and Sam a hug and tell them that he missed them too, even though they stayed at home with them.

 *WARNING Poop Story Ahead*

We are working on potty training in the most nonchalant way we can.  I am not going to be pushy or anything yet.  He sometimes seems quite interested, and other times, he is not interested in it at ALL.  The other day I was going to go to the bathroom.  I asked if he would like to sit down on the little training potty and try to go.  I told him that his daddy would be really proud if he went potty in the potty chair.  He agreed.  He sat there and grunted.  He tried.  He kept telling me, "it not working mommy".  I said that it was ok.  I also would ask if he would like to get up.  He was determined.  He wanted daddy to be proud of him.  We read books.  We sang songs.  I think he sat there for close to 20 minutes.  When he stood up, there was the tiniest, smallest, littlest piece of poop ever, like the size of a couple of grains of rice.  He was so proud.  We had to leave it in there to show daddy.  It was hilarious.  When he showed Ken, he beamed.  This was such a funny experience, and the first time he had ever actually (and I mean actually in the loosest sense of the word) gone potty in the potty chair, so we took a picture.

Shiloh's general likes:  the color green (for now), cars, trucks, tractors, trains, animals (especially turtles and dogs),playing with blocks, crashing the blocks towers that Ken and I make for him, playing with micro machines( or in his words, little cars) playing with Sam, tickles, his doggie and blankie, hot dogs, macaroni and cheese, chocolate, carrots, broccoli, green beans, milk, tormenting little brother, and claiming that everything in the house or in someone's hand besides his own is his.

We sure do love him and are soooo happy he is in our family.  Happy Birthday Shiloh!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Time Out

"You're in time-out, head to your room 'til you can cool off."  I say this to Shiloh and it almost always ensues with screaming and more tantrum throwing than you can imagine. Today has been a day of time-outs and Sorry mom's.  We are in that 2 year old stage here at our house (Well almost, next Wednesday it will be officially here).  

I was looking at Shiloh freak out earlier today, and listening.  I thought to myself, "When did going to my room and closing the door behind me turn from a reason to throw a tantrum to a relaxing moment of quiet and peace that I don't get enough of?"

I am not sure when it happened, but I miss having a time out here and there.

So... That's what I am doing.  
Dinner is in the oven. 
Eli is sleeping.  
Shiloh and Ken are in the front room building a road and driving toy cars.  
I am in my room taking a time out.

You should have seen Shiloh's face when I told him that mommy was going to her room for a time out because she was grumpy.


I wonder if he is expecting me to start kicking the door and bawling....... Sounds stress relieving to say the least!

Happy Thursday All!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A beautiful day!

 So, since this outing only a few short days ago, it has turned into normal winter weather, but we had a few days in the 50's and 60's here and there.  We decided that on Saturday we would take a walk on the Katy trail and take advantage of the abnormally nice weather.  We have been on few walks on the trail, but it spans almost the entire state, so we decided to drive to a spot not far from us that we hadn't explored yet.  

  It is mostly a biking trail.
Sam forgot to inform us that he is afraid of bikes.
If I would have known, I would have left him at home.
Wrangling two kiddos is enough work, but to add an unmanageable dog that barks and growls and yipes at every biker is just annoying.

That aside, the outing was great.  We decided to go on part of the trail that had a neat bridge over a smaller tributary river, and then takes you right along side the Missouri River, or, as it has been dubbed in our house by Shiloh, the "big big river", or sometimes, the "big big tubbie"

Shiloh LOVED Running up and down this big bridge!  It was such a neat bridge and I will definitely keep it in mind for some sort of photo shoot. You can see in the first pic the little red blob, which is the double stroller, and me and Eli.

 Here I am pushing the boys along.  Ken and I took turns with who had the CRAZY dog, and who had the big stroller.  I do have to say that since we thoroughly tested the stroller out on a four and half mile trek, that I am quite certain it was made for paved roads, not dirt and gravel trails, however nice and well maintained they may be.

Shiloh loved looking out at the big big river.  There was a steep hill right there and then a nice sandy beach below.
 Kenny decided to take an adventure with Shiloh and Sam to the sandy beach and river below. I stayed behind to feed the little guy.

What the above pictures don't show: Shiloh being covered head to toe with sand, Shiloh trying to scoot closer and closer to the River all whilst Kenny is yelling at Sam for jumping into the river and then rolling in the muddy sandy yuck at the edge, Kenny throwing Sam back in the River to get the aformentioned guck off, and finally Kenny having to drag wet Sam and sandy Shiloh back up an enormously steep sandy hill....

Gotta love the adeventures of 2 year olds and dogs.  Never a dull moment, I tell ya!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

An Eli update...ummm I don't think I will be able to remember all of it, but I am gonna try anyway.

There is so much to update you on.  He is still just as cute, as the last time I posted, but so much more grown up.  He sits up on his own.  He is oh so close to crawling.  This of course makes him angry, oh SO angry.
If there is one thing about Eli's personality that is very prevalent, and has been from an early age, it is that you know exactly what is on his mind.  He never leaves one guessing even if he can't speak yet.  When he is angry, he uses his whole body and lung capacity to tell you.  
On the flip side, when he is happy, he uses his whole body and lung capacity to tell you. I just can't get enough of the way he smiles with his whole body.

I venture to guess that this little guy is going to give us a run for a money.  He has absolutely no fear and no hesitation.  He would plunge off of a couch, out of your arms, into the bathtub head first, you name it he has tried it and he isn't even mobile yet.  Good thing we were always able to keep him safe.  We are going to be working on child proofing everything this weekend because, well, let's admit it, with Shiloh we didn't have to.  A stern, "No." was enough to stop him in his tracks.  Eli on the other hand, thinks that the word no is hilarious, the sterner the better.  He might even erupt into giggles for you if you say it just the right way.

He loves Sam, the dog.  He loves jumping in the jolley jumper.  He LOVES his brother Shiloh.  He can't wait to keep up with him.  His nickname is Springs. Even if you are holding him on your hip, and his feet aren't touching anything, he still moves his legs up and down as if he were bouncing.  He bounces all of the time. He also loves his mommy.  He loves drawstrings...I know, it is a bit weird, but hand him a sweater with a tie on it and he may be entertained for a good 20 minutes or so.  It can be a real life saver.  He also loves bath time, or mostly splashing and sucking on the wash cloth.

He doesn't sleep through the night yet, but he is getting closer and closer.  It seems that there is always some sort of hiccup to hinder the process.  Two steps forward, one step back.

He has his two bottom teeth.  I couldn't find a good pick to show you, so you will just have to imagine. 

Eli really is a little bundle of fun.  Some days, I am not sure what I am going to do with my little house of boys, but I sure wouldn't trade it.  Eli adds so much happiness to our home, and I really am glad that he came to us. He also teaches me a lot, and, I am sure, has a bunch more to teach me.  Can't wait!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Our Christams Letter

Just thought that since I am on a roll with this whole "get my blog back up to date and whipped into shape" thing, that I would post our Christmas letter.  Here it is for all of you who did not get one in the mail because I was too sick, or my kiddos were too sick, or <insert any other lame excuse here>. Love ya all and enjoy!

Williams’ Family 2012 Perspectives
This year was quite an eventful one, to say the least.  There have been a myriad of changes in my life.  I have switched cities and homes.  This is a great thing.  I love it in the country in our small little town of Tebbetts.  I love the fresh air and the space.  I LOVE the space.  I was pregnant when we moved so I felt like I didn’t help out much.  I more or less watched Ken and our friends paint our house and move things in.  What a good husband I have! I had Eli at the end of May.  It was a wonderful experience.  I had him at home with my hubby.  I definitely wouldn’t have done it any other way.  I also got to take a trip to my parents’ home in Utah in August.  I took the boys, and with the help of my family, I got some much needed R & R.  I have to say that the adjustment from one boy to two has definitely been a doozy for me.  I anticipated it being difficult, but I had no idea what I was in for.  On the bright side, I love them both immensely, and I have been given the opportunity to rely on, and get to know the Savior more through this grand experience called motherhood.  In the past month or so I feel as though I have fallen into motherhood with two a little more easily and things are feeling normal as opposed to new, and I like that.  I wish you all, my friends and family, a Merry Christmas.  I hope the light of the Savior shines bright through your holiday.  Have a blessed year to come!              ~Brittani~
This year has been an adventure for me.  After moving across the country in August of Last year to Jefferson City, Mo I packed up my family again and moved out of the city and into the country.  It is still only a 15 minute commute, but it feels like our little piece of heaven out here.   It is quite peaceful and very beautiful.  Our closest neighbors are the 12 cows that live next door.  I have met other neighbors, but the cows are Shiloh’s favorite ones, and I quite like them too.  This spring I planted a nice garden, and despite the worst drought in decades I still managed to bring in a pretty good crop.  Work has been challenging, but good.  We got a new Food Service Director so there have been some changes.  Despite the other two managers not liking Him and quitting, I don’t mind the Guy.  He was a Chef before and that is helpful to me.  With Eli joining the family that makes it so the boys outnumber the girls three to one.  I guess, if you count the dog, it is really four to one.  Me and the Boys all took a turn at the hospital this year.  Shiloh and I with Hernia’s, Eli with RSV, and Sam getting the snip snip(neutered)  I thought that with the Home birth we would be staying out of the hospital this year.  NOPE.  Well Life is good.  My favorite things about our adventures this year are Tractor rides with Shiloh, watching Brittani give birth to our new son here at home. (Brittani is amazing), and bouncing up and down in unison with Eli in the Jolly Jumper.  I love my Family and I love the My Savior Jesus Christ. Merry Christmas!      ~Kenny~
What a Year!!!!!!  I finally learned how to walk on these two legs of mine, and I am telling ya, life has never been better. I like to RUN RUN RUN RUN.  There was a bit of a hiccup in the running in March when I had to go to the hospital. OUCH!  Hernia surgery is not for babies.  My mommy’s tummy was getting really big earlier this year.  She kept telling me there was a brother inside.  I had no idea what I was in for.  One day in May, I went to my friend Ryker’s house in the morning, and in the evening after dinner, I came home and there was my mom with this tiny thing she kept calling Brudder.  She talks to him in a high pitched voice and mom and dad seem to get a kick out of it if I do it too, so I give them what they want.  That Brudder, or I-lee, (what kind of name is that?) seems to be getting better at being fun.  At first he just cried and cried and he took the attention away from me.  I am so darn cute that I didn’t think it was possible for mommy and daddy to look at anything but me, but Brudder, he sure can get loud!  I love making him smile though.  I also learned how to talk really well this year, but mommy and daddy seem to need me to say everything a few times before they will do what I say. Sometimes I take a cue from Brudder and talk really loud.  It helps me get what I want.  If mom and dad would just do what I said the first time, I wouldn’t have to yell. Merry Christmas everyone and don’t forget to turn on your Christmas lights 24/7, it makes me really happy.      ~Shiloh~
Splash! That’s how I came into this family. With a splash, in a kiddie pool in my mommy and daddy’s front room.  Besides spending a week in the hospital for RSV at 3 weeks old, life has been pretty smooth.  My parents even get up to play with me at night still. These guys don’t have a clue, so I have to break it down for them real simple.  WAAAAAAAAHHHH.  That means FOOD. NOW.  MMM MMM MMM  put a little growl with that and you’ve got “I am WAY past tired.”   I have gotten really good at the art of pathetic so that my mommy will pick me up.  I just think everyone should carry me around.  I mean I am really compact.  Who wouldn’t want to hold me and my cute face ALL DAY LONG.  I am a pro at the jolly jumper. When I smile I use my whole body to get the point across.  I think Shiloh is hilarious.  He is the only one who gets how funny spitting is.  I am learning to sit up on my own.  These guys keep putting all of my toys just out of grasp.  I don’t get it.  It must be a grown up thing, but don’t worry. I let ‘em know it isn’t ok with me.  I do the simplest things and they cheer and clap.  I am livin’ the life I tell ya. Happy Holidays, and I promise next year to be into everything.  ~Eli~
Woof! I was born on the fourth of July, but my family didn’t find me until September.  Things are pretty simple here for a dog.  The only thing I can’t seem to figure out is the difference between the rope on the ground and those darn socks.  They are both fabric and they smell the same to me. What’s the big deal if I keep stealing them?  The little people keep giving me things and then the big people keep getting and taking them away.  Sometimes I wish they would all just decide what was right and wrong in this house.  It gets so confusing! I mean if you had to eat dog food, and then a little person gave you string cheese and crackers, wouldn’t you choose the latter?  For some reason the bigger people don’t get it.  The smallest one doesn’t say much, but he sure likes it when I lick his face.  I have to be quick about it though, otherwise he might get a fistful of my fur. YIKES! The next to the littlest one has me confused for a bed or a bench or something.  I didn’t think it was that hard to tell the difference between a DOG and a piece of furniture, but alas it must be. Merry Christmas everyone, and don’t forget to send me a bone or a sock.    ~Sam, the dog~

The Winter post...and bringing us up to speed.

Man do I feel much better about my blog. Granted, it's not the way I anticipated the last 6 months of our life going on the blog, but hey, it is all on here. I will try and do some more posts that highlight specific events or something, but I am making no promises! Winter has been eventful. We have had a lot of fun and A LOT of sickness. We have had snow and handful of times, and then we have also swung back up in to the mid 60's, and every temp in between. We have tried to venture out as much as possible, but with sick kiddos, we have been playing it safe. I am done with sickness for the winter I tell ya. Christmas was quiet with just our small little family here and no visitors. We did things a little unconventionally, but we loved it all the same. Kenny managed to get some time off of work for a day or two in all of the craziness, so we were happy to have him around. Here's to having a more caught up blog. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

Family Photos and Pics of the boys

When we were in Utah, a family friend of ours (and great photographer)Emily, took some pics of the boys. They turned out so cute. Then for the sake of finally having a decent picture of the fours of us, Kenny set up his new camera and got a few shots of us. They turned out pretty cute, but getting Shiloh to cooperate in his terrible two's state was a feat. I may have thrown in a couple of blooper shots just so you could see the tantrums and the wind that we were dealing with.

Leaves are falling all around...or have already fallen and been covered by snow, but this is our Fall 2012 post.

This fall brought a renewal of life for our family. I know that Spring is usually the beginning of, well, new beginnings, but for me I was finally starting to get the hang of being a mom of two. To top things off, I also Love everything about Autumn, including Halloween. We ventured out and had many Autumnal excursions. We had a Halloween party with my good friend, Kaci, and her hubby and boys. This was such a highlight of the season. We also went to the Hartsburg pumpkin festival. This is quickly becoming a family tradition for us. We went to our friends church and did trunk or treat. We actually won the car decorating contest. We carved pumpkins. We went for walks in the woods to look at the colors of the leaves. We really just enjoyed being back together as a family, enjoyed friends, and enjoyed the really great weather.

What a Summer

Yes, you read that right. What a Summer.... I am finally blogging about my life. It isn't as detailed as I want it to be, but in the interest of me not pulling out my hair from how stressed and behind I am in my life in general, I am opting for the quick overview to catch us up. Here is an AWESOME slide show to show case our summer. We did everything from go to the county fair, in which we witnessed our first figure eight race (it was awesome and had lots of car crashing), to the state fair with my parents,to going to Utah to get some much needed R&R for me and the boys for about a month, and everything in between. ENJOY!