

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Eli is 3 weeks old.

It seems like forever since I have done an Eli update, and in a sense, it has been a really long time, almost his whole life. That last time I said much about him was his birth.

We had a midwife appt this week.

Eli has grown a whole pound and an ounce. His weight is in the 50th percentile and his head has grown a half an inch which puts him in the 85th percentile for head size. my kiddos and their cute large heads :) I am not sure if we forgot to measure his height or if I am so sleep deprived that I don't remember it, but I don't know the stats on that. I guess we will have to wait til next appt.

Eli is also starting to develop bits of his personality. He is actually alert for some of the day. He also has found his lungs. That might be one of the biggest understatements of the year. He loves to be held! LOVES. This means that if he is not being held he most likely is practicing his angry cry, including in the middle of the night. This is new territory for me. Shiloh didn't develop an angry cry until way later in life. I know I was spoiled with him.

He eats a lot. He has curly hair when its wet. He is learning to tolerate and maybe even like bath time, which is great. He rolls from side to side while getting his diaper changed. He is a "squeaky" eater/sleeper, and by squeaky I mean that he sounds like a teradactyl. It is quite comical and also annoying during the middle of the night. Don't let the pictures fool you, we are getting very little sleep around here. Pictures don't squirm or have sound.

We do love this little guy . He is pretty good as long as we hold him, and he is just so darn cute. We also can't wait for the baby fog to lift so we can get a little more sleep, but that comes with time.
There's the update!


  1. If I were one of those people who eats babies (I'm not....) yours would have me salivating. Look at all that grown up boy hair on his head? He's beautiful (even if he's squeaky). He's lucky to have you love him.

  2. Wow! What a doll! I could just nibble those chubby cheeks on the first picture! I don't know if it's an illusion because of the dark hair, but I can see more of Kenny in him. Time will tell! If his desire to be held is shorting you on sleep....holding I can do; diapers I can do! Can't wait to see and hear Mr. Squeaky next week!

  3. What a cutie! He does look more like Kenny I think because of the dark hair. Sorry about the sleep deprivation. Sounds like one of my kids!

  4. I love that little co sleeper "bed" thingy. Ahh squeaky babies...even the sound of my kids breathing would keep me up so I never let them sleep in my room for more than a night. Not totally true because Camille hated to sleep so I did whatever I could to get her to sleep which often involved her sleeping on my chest while I breathed really heavy to convince her I was asleep too.

    I think that he looks a bit more like the Williams side than Shiloh, yet I do think Shiloah and Spencer look quite a bit alike too. He is beautiful! Hope that now that he is on the up mend that he will learn to love to sleep! Take as many naps as you can while Grannie is there.
