

Friday, June 1, 2012

38 weeks 3 days....Eli James is here!

I will have to do a longer "birth story" type post later, but who has time right now with a 1 year old and a 1 day old?

Eli James Williams came to our family last night at 6:07 p.m., and we couldn't be happier with the little guy. He weighed in at 7 lbs. 3 oz. and is 20 1/2 inches long. He is healthy and sweet, and I feel pretty good too!

Now for the photo deluge:

Me, hanging out in the fancy fandangled birth pool.
Having a contraction in the birth pool.
Eli, just seconds after birth.
Nursing Eli. Let me tell you, this kid knows how to eat! ( You know I'm lookin hot in this pic!)
The baby boy!
Daddy and Eli circa 2 o'clock this morning. Hello 2 a.m. I am sure we are going to be seeing a lot of each other in the coming months.
Eli and I hanging out on the couch.
The brothers! Shiloh is oh so sweet to his little bro. He always gives him kisses.
Shiloh also thinks that he should hold Eli and lay on him. We're working on that!
Giving Eli a hug.
A pic from the same group, but I am actually looking at the camera instead of being paranoid about what Shiloh is doing to Eli. Behold my future, haha.

Well there is the short version. Welcome to our little family Eli!


  1. Hooray! Pregnancy is over! He is beautiful (and so are you) I can't wait to hear more of the story.

  2. WOO-HOO!!! Congratulations! Can't wait to see more of your little family as you make the (CRAZY!) adjustment from 3 to 4! :)

  3. Congrats Brittani! That is great that you went early again. Welcome little Eli!

  4. Congrats! You did it! Eli is a cutie. Thanks for sharing pictures so quickly. That is so cute how Shiloh is loving him, but you are right to keep a close eye on that.

  5. I was totally shocked that the tub wasn't more "formal" :) I love that you could eat watermelon during labor!!!! Love ya! He is beautiful and Shiloh kissing him is precious.

  6. Congratulation!!! He's beautiful!!! I'm so happy for you guys:)

  7. I can't even tell you how excited I am for you guys! Congratulations on a beautiful baby and way to go for doing it at home! You're one tough cookie! Wishing I was closer to you so I could come see you guys and meet sweet little Eli. I hope all is going great.
