I am updating you on my pregnancy...it seems a little more prevalent in my mind the closer Eli is to being born.
I am getting and feeling super huge, which, according to Kenny, is just fine because I am cooking a baby and I am supposed to look pregnant at this point. Which is true, so I am not going to apologize for my hugeness, only state the obvious, because...well...this is my update and that is one of things I am choosing to update you on :)
I am very tired all of the time. Is it bad that I count grocery shopping as my exercise for the day? Bad or not, I do count it, because it feels like a workout to me. I am still fairly active at this point. I think by this time with Shiloh's pregnancy I had pretty much given up. I remember sitting down on the floor of the grocery store while Kenny walked down the aisle. Wow! Can we say lazy? Or, maybe, I am just more in shape this time around than I was then and in a totally different mind frame.
I still crave beef and chocolate and pizza, but we can add to the mix toast with honey butter. Weird! I have had to resort to my five year old mentality and do a sticker chart in which I am only allowed 2 desserts a week. I get to put a sticker on for every day that I don't have a dessert. You think I am joking about that, but I am not at all joking. I literally have a sticker chart, and it helps. Who knew that sticker charts were so motivating for me? Oh the possibilities of things that I could achieve. Too bad it has taken me 27 years to figure it out.
Eli moves all over the place. He gets the hiccups quite often. He starts moving around when Shiloh is close and jabbering loudly. Currently he is sitting quite low, which is good and bad. Good because it means he getting ready slowly, bad because it means I have way less of a bladder capacity than I should, even at this point.
In some ways, I am feeling more ready for Eli to come. Even just a few weeks ago, I was saying to people that I thought Eli could stay in there for a little more time because I wasn't feeling prepared. I can't say that I will ever feel prepared, but I am ready to meet him when he decides to come, not too early though. I am also ready to give my husband a real hug instead of just laying my head on his shoulder or chest, do a belly flop on the bed, not have charlie horses in my butt all night long, and I am really ready to be able to hold Shiloh in unawkward positions so that I can hug him like a normal mommy does and play around on the ground and let him climb on me. I have missed all of those things tremendously. I guess you have to get to this point in order to be ready for the actual process of getting your little baby here. The rest is just waiting out the weeks in more and more discomfort until they decide to come.
I still don't have any stretch marks on my belly. This is a good thing to me. I also still have a belly button. I do think though, that it will disappear before Eli makes his debut. I am not too swollen, only if I am on my feet too much in a day and then they get a bit puffy. My maternity shirts are truly on their last leg when it comes to covering my ever protruding belly. I have been wearing dresses a lot. They cover everything and they are comfy. I do have to say that the maternity bad on my pants are way worse here in Missouri because of the hot humidity. For the most part I don't mind the heat or the humidity, but it makes my belly itchy.
I still haven't gained any more weight since the last I posted, but my midwife isn't concerned. I do eat and my stomach is growing normally and so is Eli. I did have a bit of extra padding when I got pregnant, so that also contributes to the lack of concern. Hopefully I will continue to gain healthy amounts of weight and I will be able to stay healthy after I have Eli.
Well this was definitely a long winded update, especially for having updated you just two weeks ago. Things just seem to be changing and I felt the need. :)