

Monday, March 12, 2012

Please Don't Take My Sunshine Away

For the past week or so, we have had the best Spring weather. There have been intermittent days of rain, but most of the days have been sunny and above 60 degrees. All of the trees and bushes and bulbs are starting to bloom. I love it. Shi and I had an outside day the other day. I actually took pictures. Pretty impressive, I know. I decided that, since I actually took pictures, it is definitely something worth blogging about.

I don't know if it is my Utah weather mentality, or if it is just how it is everywhere, but I am not so naive as to think that there couldn't be cold and miserable days ahead, but I am just going to enjoy this weather while I have it.
Shiloh refused to get off of the blanket and touch the grass or rocks. We are going to have to change that this summer :) He would, however, walk around with me and hold my hand. This is Shiloh's mad face. He was upset because his toy went on the grass. It was an inch from the blanket's edge and he refused to touch it. I also chose not to get it for him because it was pretty silly that he wouldn't get it. He got mad.

Below are some of the beautiful blossoms starting to come in our yard. It seriously doesn't look like March, but I will take it.

Hopefully this sunshine doesn't go away too soon. I do have to say that I don't mind the rainy days when they are followed by such bliss!

On the agenda for today? We are going to the park again. It was sooo fun, and the projected temperature for the day is 78 degrees. It is already 65. I am seriously so thankful for the sun!


  1. Finally something that isn't my fault! It's Cami's fault! She hated grass, dirt, rocks, unless you handed it to her then she was fine! I'm so glad you have sunshine!

    1. hahaha! I will have to talk to Cami about that!
