

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Since this is how I document things in my family, I had to write a blog post tonight. As of this afternoon, Shiloh decided that he wants to walk around. It started outside when he wanted to see some rocks and I wanted to go inside. He let go of my hand and started walking around on the gravel drive. I was in shock, but the good kind. :) Then he took a nap. Crawled for a bit, then finally he figured out that he knew how to stand up by himself without anyone or thing helping him stand. I knew he could do this because he has done it two or three times, but he kept forgetting that he knew how to do it. Well something about his nap helped that confidence in himself click and he was a walking/running machine the rest of the evening. He would just stand up and then start cruisin' around. I will have to get a video posted sometime soon. I am so excited/nervous for this new step, no pun intended, for Shiloh.

Call me crazy, but Shiloh learning to walk is a blessing. I know most of you are thinking in your heads, "Watch out! This is is when the real craziness hits!" or "walking only means that he is going to be into everything, and be able to run away from you." I have thought about all of these things, very, very hard. Believe me.

Remember how I am pregnant? I know I keep reminding everyone of this, but it plays a huge roll in just about everything in my life. I am starting to have a hard time holding Shiloh, picking him up, bending over to help him stand, etc. So, now that he can do it himself, I don't have to do it for him... This is why it is a huge blessing.

So, Yay Shiloh!!!!!!


  1. Hooray for Shiloh! That sounds so cute how he is running around now. You're right, that's nice you won't have to carry him as much. Plus your house is one-story right? So no big worries I think. He's already been getting into everything I bet.

    1. Yes! Only one story, and he is into everything already. He has been climbing for months. It is really cute to watch, and he has a slightly awkward stance as he walks, which makes it more adorable.
