

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

You know how life gets crazy? ....yeah me too

*WARNING* This is a photo dump, and a post that doesn't have much to do with anything in particular.

Now that the warnings and clarifications are out of the way, on to the good stuff.  Things have been a bit crazy around our parts.  There are many reasons, but probably the main reason is that I have a two year old and a 9 month old.  I don't think that I really need anymore reason than that.

Amid all of the doctors appointments and scans and hospital visits,(for myself...to be discussed in a future post when I am ready to talk about my health and all that it involves) we have been having fun as a family.  We somehow have managed to fit in.  We have done everything from play in the snow to playing on the swing set in that backyard to playing follow the leader in the snow when it was 55 degrees.

The two pictures above are Shiloh and I playing following the leader in the tire tracks in the snow.  Kenny and Eli are taking the picture.  Shiloh had the hardest time understanding the concept of staying in the tire tracks.  He ended up very snowy indeed.

 Here are my two cutie pies.  They love this little swing set that we happened to get for FREE. Our friends manage and apartment and the tenants were evicted.  The tenants were mad and so they didn't clean up anything and left everything they didn't want, which was A LOT!  We helped our friends clean out the apartment and in return we got anything we wanted that was left behind.  The previous tenants had a little boy and we got some cool stuff, but this little swing set was tops by far!  It is just the perfect size and is used all of the time.

These were such funny little pictures that I had to post them.  I would have to say that dinner time is one of our family's favorite times.  Shiloh always has a story and, for the most part, we are all happy.  Kenny and I always have at least one laugh out loud moment because of one of these two little goof balls.

Here is my little ball of energy.  Eli keeps me on my toes, people!  He is into everything.  He has been crawling for about a month and a half now.  I have nicknamed him my little tornado.  There is just no keeping up with him or his messes, but for the most part he is pretty happy.  He is also very loud.  He never stops jabbering and most of the time it is definitely in "outdoor voice" decibels.  He is also pulling himself up to everything.  He is starting to stand on his own and love to hold onto my fingers and walk around.  Sometimes he just lets go and tries on his own.  He hasn't started walking, but he can't wait to be able to pester Shiloh even more than he already does.  He adores Shiloh and anything that Shiloh is playing with.  He has also turned into such a social bug, not in the same way as Shiloh, but he does love other people and to be picked up by anybody who will let him slobber all over them.

Oh my Shiloh!  He is such a funny, unique, and sweet little guy.  He loves, loves, loves to read.  He could sit in my lap for and hour or more straight and just have me read books to him. Often, if you can't find him, Shiloh is in some odd place (such as my closet laying on clothes, just lounging, seen in the above picture) reading a book.  He definitely got the reading gene from me.  He loves to love.  He can make anybody his best friend within a matter of seconds.  He will also talk anybody's ear off.  He also is a really great tantrum thrower.  Although they do not happen as often some other kids' tantrums might, his are epic!  They start over really small things and they last FOR.EV.ER.  Like the other day we had one last for 2 hours!  I am not exaggerating.  There was not a moment of silence from the screaming and the kicking and hitting and such.  It all started over a little craft pom pom that the dog licked.  At least once it is over he goes back to being his cute little self.

Congrats if you got to the end of this.  Hopefully you gleaned some of the updates that you wanted amid the chaos.


  1. They are adorable! And I don't just mean how they look...although that too. They sure keep you hopping!
    Can't wait to get reacquainted with them this summer!

  2. So fun, thanks for sharing the pictures and the stories!

  3. Hmm, I'm at school now, and it doesn't look like my comment made at home last night got posted. So let me just say, those darling faces just get me! I want to hug and kiss them! Eli is growing so fast, his looks change monthly! Hope you are feeling better Britt.

  4. Wow I can't believe how much Eli has already changed. YAY for the free slide and swing!!! That is awesome! I hope that you can keep up with those fire balls. A 2 hour tantrum is hard! Good luck. Love you!
