This is Brachiosaurus.
Not to be confused with this.... They don't even look similar people!
She is just visiting our house. I promise! We do not need another puppy around these parts, but, apparently, she thought we did.
Are you feeling a little lost? Or maybe you are wondering where in the world we got a name like Brachiosaurus for a dog. Or you might even be thinking to yourself, "With two kids 2 and under, a 9 month old puppy named Sam, and a lot on your plate in general, why are you having another puppy stay with you?"
Well folks, I am going to answer those questions, and a few more that you may have in the following story. It's a doozey, and I am just not sure that you are likely to believe it, but it is true.
My kiddos have been sick. I know...Big. Huge. Surprise! Yesterday was the first nice day in a little while that the weather was decent. Shiloh was feeling some cabin fever, so, while I was cooking dinner and Eli was sleeping, I let Shiloh go on the back deck with Sammy. (Lest you think I am a bad mom for sending my two year out by himself, I didn't put his shoes on and the grass was muddy, and if you know Shiloh and his slightly OCD tendencies, then you know he would not want to get his socks muddy, so he stays on the deck. Haha) I left the door open, and Sammy always barks if someone comes up the drive way, so I thought it a good idea for him to get some fresh air.
All of a sudden I hear Sammy barking ferociously. I actually hadn't heard him bark like this before. I go running out the back door to see what is the matter and Shiloh exclaims, "OOOOOOHHHHHHH! Big white puppy. Little black puppy! Cumere! Cumere!"
Sam was barking at a really big white dog. There was a little black dog, i.e. Brachiosaurus, under the truck. I try to tell Sammy to be quiet and come in the house, but now that I am outside with Shiloh, Sammy is not worried, he wants to PLAY! Before I can really get my wits about me, the little black dog comes bounding right past me and towards Shiloh. I hadn't realized it was a puppy yet. I about face and head towards Shiloh to make sure he isn't knocked over. Do you remember how I told you the grass was muddy and soggy? Do you also remember how I mentioned that I had left the back door open while Shiloh played? Well, soggy, muddy, bouncy, black puppy runs right past Shiloh and in through my open door and into my house. I am trying to catch the dog. It is jumping on my couch and picking up every toy, which there were quite a few to chose from, along the way. I finally catch it and put itxz out.
This is when it dawns on me. Sam....Where is Sam? He didn't come chase the puppy in my house? Where is white dog?
Well, people...He and white dog were no where to be found.
How did I end up with a black puppy and no Sam?
Well in this little time of reflection, Shiloh starts screaming at the door. He wants to go outside and play with black puppy! Was black puppy still there. I had put her out a few minutes ago. Surely she had run off by now. NOPE. She was sleeping on the deck, basking in sunlight. To try and keep Eli asleep, and to make the Shiloh screaming stop, I opened the door and let Shiloh go outside with the puppy. I played with them for a bit to make sure the puppy was nice, and she was very nice.
I went back inside, but Shiloh didn't want me to shut the door. So I opened the door a little, Shiloh knew that it was open, but the dog didn't. I call Kenny and tell him to keep his eyes open for Sam on his drive home. Then I hear Shi talking to the puppy, In The House.
The puppy had made itself at home in the back of Sam's cage. Just then, through the open back door, Sam comes bounding in, covered in mud from head to tail. He runs for his cage and sits with Brackie. Now I cannot get either of them out.
Well I finally get the puppy out. She lays on the deck. She won't leave. She keep s scratching at the door. She thinks she belongs with us. After dinner we drive up and down our road, knocking on random doors, asking if anybody recognizes this puppy. No surprise, nobody does. While we are in the car Shiloh continues to ask what black puppy's name is. He says black, brack. So we started saying Brack or Brackie. Then Shiloh, pulling from his incredible memory of a dinosaur show we watched and says Brachiosaurus. From there on out he wouldn't call her anything else. She wouldn't leave our house. She stayed here all night. I called the Humane society and they are going to try and find a foster family for her. So I guess she is here until Monday. I have a thing against pounds I won't take her there.
I promise she is just visiting! This was a really crazy afternoon, and I promise that it all happened.