

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day + How I met Kenny = the influence of God in my life

I realize that I have written kind of a crazy title.  It kind of looks like a "one of these things is not like the others" statements, but it isn't. Just keep reading, it will all work itself out in the end, I promise.

Many of you know how I met Kenny.  I may have even written it somewhere on this blog on another day when I was feeling especially sappy.  I will shortly retell the story, mostly because I am too lazy to actually go and look through my old posts and it is just plain old fun to reminisce, right?

Katie, my friend and below stairs neighbor had jumped in the apartment complex swimming pool with her clothes on.  I was on the balcony laughing at her and just conversing with her from three floors up.  Tall, dark, and handsome (i.e. Kenny) was walking by.  I thought he was very handsome indeed.  Then I had a thought, or a spiritual prompting, if you will.  "you are going to marry someone like him one day, you need to talk to him, so you can figure out what kind of man that is."  You know how those thoughts hit you like a ton of bricks and in the blink of an eye, and yet I brushed off the feeling/thought anyway.  It was a bizarre thought.  It was ludicrous to think that about a handsome man I had never met.  Besides, how was I supposed to talk to him he was three floors down.  Again, the thought came, only more urgently, and I almost involuntarily started to yell to him from my balcony. 

"Hey you're cute, what's your name!?"

Really?  That is the best I could come up with?  Well, I have to be given some slack.  There were about 3.8 seconds before he would have walked away, and who knows if I would have ever saw him again.

Needless to say, he stopped.  He didn't ask my name, I had to volunteer it.  He probably thought I was a bit crazy.  I even asked him to stay right there so I could stop yelling at him from my balcony and actually come and talk to him for real.  He stayed, and we talked and I guess you could say that the rest is history.

In hind sight, I truly love Our story.  I was always a bit embarrassed about it at first when people would ask me how I met Kenny.  I always thought that is made me seem a bit desperate.  But now, when I look back, I can see God's finger prints all over it.  I can actually see the thoughts and impression about talking to Kenny for what they were... spiritual inspiration.  God knew that Kenny and I would work well together.  He knew that Kenny was everything I needed.  He knew that Kenny was walking out the door, and that I had to act quickly.  He knew that I would love Kenny with all of my heart and that Kenny would love me with all of his.  He didn't care that it might be kind of embarrassing to tell the story at first, or that it was an unconventional way of meeting.  He knew that I am the kind of person, or daughter rather, that you have to hit over the head with inspiration, but not say, "you are doing this or else".  He knew that if he had said, "Brittani you have to talk to this guy, you will marry him."  that I would have felt all sorts of defiance running through my veins.  Luckily we have a Heavenly Father that lets us choose.  Luckily I have a Father in Heaven that knows me well enough to know how to get through to me. 

It is kind of funny, to think that Valentine's day could strengthen my testimony of God and His influence in my life, but it has.  Today, because I love Kenny and because I have thought of him all day, I have thought of how much I owe God for bringing him into my life, no matter how unconventional our introduction was.


  1. I love this story! you're fabulously intelligent woman. :)

  2. Wow, I seriously don't remember hearing that story before! That's awesome Brittani, you are so brave and cool. :)

  3. Ahhhhh, that's so sweet. And I don't remember hearing that story either. I think it is a great story and I'm impressed that you listened and followed the inspiration...I don't know if I would have been brave enough or strong enough to do that.

  4. That is cool Britt! I love that it is all so personal, having a God who loves us for being us and helps us in ways that we need personally. You guys do fit together perfectly!
