

Monday, May 28, 2012

You know how when you are 38 weeks pregnant and....(whining involved: BEWARE)

Your friend who was due on the same days as you has her baby like....a week ago and you cry, but not because you are happy for her, but because you are done being pregnant?

Your other friend who was 2 weeks behind you has her baby last night, and you cry again, for the same reason as stated above?

You are having contractions, but nothing to get excited about, just the kind that are uncomfortable and annoying, and instead they just make you cranky and irritable?

You pretty much cry every night for no reason?

You have heartburn so bad you can't sleep?

You can't sit in any position that is even slightly comfortable?

Oh, well I do.

That is my life in nutshell currently.


  1. It will be O K, Britt. I do know how un-fun the waiting can be. You are in our prayers everyday. I love you!!

  2. Sorry you are so miserable. I remember that feeling, but I don't remember really wanting to go early. I was always dreading the delivery, and not feeling entirely ready for the responsibility of the new little one yet. But I am a procrastinator by nature. :)

  3. been there done that! don't worry he can't stay in too much longer, even though it feels like forever. just use the extra time to get mentally prepared and enjoy having just the one for a few more days!

  4. Ugh I am with you, I hate the waiting game. The first three all came 2 weeks or more early. So when I went to the very end with Becca I just couldn't believe that a pregnancy could really last for 40 weeks! I have a theory that if you use pitocin on a labor the next time your body has a harder time getting itself started on it's own. Just a theory, but it seems like that makes sense.

    Anyway hang in there! We all can't wait to see what a cutie Eli will be. LOVE YA!!!!
