

Friday, September 30, 2011

Shiloh is 8 months old today!!!

Shiloh is such a sweety. I cannot believe that it has been 8 months already since he joined our family, and then at the same time it feels as though he has been in our family forever. Some of the things that Shiloh is up to currently: Sitting, sleeping in crazy positions, working on eating all kind of foods (when he wants to), protesting eating anything in a baby spoon or bowl but eating anything off or a metal spoon, holding on to fingers and walking, giggling, fake coughing whenever Ken or I cough or clear our throats, saying dadada and bababa over and over again, teething(his two bottom teeth are poking through and I am sure others are on their way), squealing and growling, and so much more.
We sure love our little guy. Usually I would give some stats on measurements, but seeing as we don't have to have a doc appointment until he is 12 months old, and our scale is in storage, I will skip it this time. I guess it suffices to say that he is getting taller and bigger all of the time.


  1. Wow, I'm loving catching up on your blog. I hadn't looked for awhile. Thanks for getting me on the email alerts. Shiloh is getting so big, and cuter all the time....if that's possible! What great parents you both are! Looks like you take full advantage of your new surroundings. Have fun.

  2. What a cutie! Thanks for taking the time to blog about what he is doing too. It is so fun to hear how he is growing up.
