

Friday, September 16, 2011

Shiloh at 7 1/2 months old

This is Shiloh as he is today.... sitting and gnawing on his fingers. He is teething currently, so it makes him a bit grumpy. He still is a great baby, although currently I am listening to him scream in his crib. This has become a little more common considering the teething aspect. Poor kid! Poor me! Am I allowed to say that? I guess all of you parents out there know exactly how I am feeling. He sits up really really well. He hasn't even begun to think about crawling because he HATES being on his tummy so entirely. Every time we put him on his tummy he just rolls over and if you keep putting him on his tummy he gets a bit agitated, so he is not quite mobile yet! He is a big fan of standing. He wants someone to stand and walk with him all of the time. We recently got him a walker and he scoots himself backwards into the walls. It is so cute. It has also been a saving grace that he likes his walker because I can actually get a few things done now. Just yesterday he was sitting in it and happily playing for about an hour. He didn't get grumpy unless I forgot to scoot him away from the wall so that he could back into it again. I am so glad that I have this little guy. I love being a mom. It is the hardest best thing I have ever done.


  1. Thanks for sharing. I needed to see some Shiloh updates! He looks so big! Sorry you are going through the teething crankiness. I wish I could say it would be over soon. But it won't.

    We miss you all.

  2. So fun to see and hear Shiloh again, he is always changing fast. We sure do miss you guys! You are a great mom and you got it right, it is the best and hardest thing you will ever do.

  3. Wow he is so big! I hear you put an offer in on a house! Is this the one by your friends that you had a BBQ with? Hope that you get it! I want to see pictures of where you guys live. Isn't it true that motherhood is the hardest and best thing about life. Keep up the amazing work!

  4. Wow, I am behind the times. For some reason I didn't see this little video. What cute sounds! I can just see what he's thinking. "Hey, that can rolled away from me, Dad, get it!" He says it in so many squawks and facial grimaces! What a cutie. Home you're all feeling better and reunited as a family! Oct. 28 Grannie
