

Thursday, May 5, 2011


  1. FOR CUTE!!! His hair looks lighter than I remember. You are a girl after my own heart (loves to take lots of pictures of their cute babies). I have slowed down now, but it is hard for me not to take lots of pictures when I finally get the camera out. Anyway I love all the poses. He is getting so big!

  2. So stinkin' cute!!! Where in the heck was it warm enough to go swimming??? I love the Bumbo pictures -- he looks so grown up. We love his hair. He is adorable and has changed SO much since the last time I saw him.

  3. We were in park city and it wasn't really warm enough to swim but we did anyway:)
    His hair is getting a ton lighter the roots are completely white. Looks like he is going to be a toe head ( I actually have no idea how to spell that and it looks really funny written down!)

  4. Oh, Kenny and Brittani,I hadn't seen the slide show when you called last night! I'll bet you thought I was rude for not commenting about it! I didn't know it was here! Darling boy and parents! He is so handsome...those eyes! He's getting so big, and has changed so much. Thanks for skyping with me. Grannie
