

Monday, April 25, 2011

First Shiloh Smiles on Camera!

We finally got some of Shiloh's smile and camera. He would smile and smile and smile, but the minute camera was out, he would want the passifier. Luckily, they are little easier to get now that he smiles so much more, we are on the verge of giggles and I hope to get one any day now.


  1. It is fun when you can get a baby to smile back when you smile and talk to him. I enjoyed coaxing a smile from him when you guys were here. So cute!

  2. It is amazing how much more rewarding it is when they start smiling back at you. What a sweetheart. I didn't even see him this time, did I? Hopefully if it ever gets warm my kids noses will dry up and we can see him again.

  3. Oh man I have cute grand kids, don't I! Shiloh is a handsome little guy, and I love his smile! Do I see tooth buds in that second picture??? Remember, Kenny got his first two teeth at 3 months..!
