The snow is STILL comin' people! Even as I type this follow-up post I see hints of flurries out my window. Granted, it has slowed considerably.
Here are a couple shots of the limb that fell onto my house....
Don't judge...the Christmas lights are still up...
If you look really hard at this picture below, you can see where the huge limb broke off of on my maple tree. I am not a great photographer and it was cold, so I was doing quick shots. There is also a fair sized limb on my roof still as well.
Here is the view out my back door. I don't think that we will be having any fun-filled days on that slide and swing any time in the near future.
On Wednesday, we also lost power for 7 hours. Luckily we have a nice propane heater that was installed in the front room by the previous owners. It was out from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. Let me be the one to tell you, keeping 2 small children entertained in a single room for 7 hours is very very difficult. We were snowed in with not a whole to do. We aso tried to do naps in the front room, (pack and play and small tent style) it did not work, and that might be the largest understatement of the year. It was catastrophic. It included Shiloh freaking out about me shutting the tent door and then about me reopening it. Then he went quiet, whilst Eli freaked out about the pack and play. Eli fell asleep and Shi got up and had a melt down and WOULD NOT come close to the tent. He tore blankets out and was running a way and screaming like a banshee, which of course, woke Eli up. I ended up bundling Shiloh up and putting him down in his room, then I rocked Eli and put him back in the pack and play in the living room. He was mortally offended that I would put him down in it again, so I bundled him up and put him down in his crib in his room. They both slept wonderfully. The adventures of two small children.
Hopefully the snow stops soon and I can drive my car again and not be snowed in my house. I am going a bit stir crazy.