

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The sore Spot called photography

I am completely capable artist in many ways. I do hair. I am great at interior design. I scrapbook, make cards, flower arrange. I bake. I paint. For some reason. I can never take a good picture..... It is kind of a sore spot for me. Since I have started blogging, I now have to come to grips with the reality that I suck at photography, and the few of you who read my blog are stuck with my lack luster photos :) At least the little guy that I take pictures of is cute, so he kind of makes up for the lack of quality.


  1. Bah! I totally feel that way. :D But you're right - he's adorable, so it's all good.

  2. I am sorry another 'gift' from your dear old mom. He is so adorable tho, any picture taken makes up for a mishap.
