

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Shiloh is 1 years old!!! (Well a week ago)

Shiloh is already 1 years old. We celebrated his birthday twice, considering we were in Utah for his special day (Utah to be blogged about soon.) We celebrated once at my parent's house with my fam, and again with Kenny's fam at his sister Janelle's house. We had a blast both times. There was so much family and food and fun! Shiloh may not remember how fun these parties were, but I know the rest of us will. Shiloh is my sweet boy. He loves to give kisses and hugs. His latest cuddly thing to do is to bring his blanket over and a stuffed animal and to give them and me a hug at the same time. He is becoming very attached to blankets as of late. Whenever he gets out of bed, before reaching for me to get him out, he looks around and tries to decide which blanket is coming with him. He finally decides, picks it up and then reaches for me.

He loves cars! LOVES! He makes car noises every time he sees a car. He also drives around his toy cars, his magnets, his food and pretty much every other inanimate object he can get his hands on. It seems to be a great distraction from anger or crying, at least for now. I will take full advantage of it for as long as I can.

I can't say that I seem to know what he is thinking or anything, but the wheels in this kids head are always turning. I love watching him try and figure things out! He loves to put things into a box and then take them out, and then put them back in and then dump them out and then put them back in and then slide the box to me, and then put them back in.... well, you get the idea.

He is still into everything, which, I am assuming, will last for the rest of the foreseeable future. I am getting used to it, and I am starting to get a bit smarter with where I put things. I think I must be a bit slow on the learning curve of being a mother to a 1 year old, but I am catching on.

Shiloh also loves to sing. He has the funniest, and cutest, singing voice in the whole world. He is starting to recognize his favorite songs (which usually includes clapping i.e. "Do As I'm Doing" "Bingo" "If You're Happy and You Know It" and the like) and gets super excited to sing them with me.

His vocabulary is starting to grow very slowly, and I believe that Kenny and I are the only ones that can really tell what he is saying most of the time. He also jibbers and jabbers constantly. I think he is going to be a talker. On the list:
*mooing like a cow
*barking and panting like a dog
*snorting like a pig
*nana ( Banana)
* hi
*Dat? (What's that?)
*fake snoring (as of last night)

Some other things that Shiloh has picked up recently is that he makes kissing noises and pushes Kenny's and my head together to makes us kiss over and over again. It is hilarious, which makes it hard to kiss, since we are laughing so hard. I think he might be a bit embarrassed of that one when he gets older. He also likes to make me kiss his stuffed animals on the lips over and over again. He loves to have daddy pick him up and carry him around. He will point to things, like the window or a bookshelf, and then expects (demands) that daddy walks him over there to show it to him. Needless to say, he throws huge tantrums when it is time to quit the game of "Shiloh Says" and get back to work or making dinner.

Shiloh is a 5 star tantrum thrower these days. He uses all limbs in a thrashing motion, and his voice at top decibel, repeating "nonono" over and over again. This is mostly done at diaper changing time. He has been experiencing time out quite frequently in his new age of 1. Hopefully this is not an omen for the year to come ;)

He loves to eat almost anything, but we are still shying away from milk products. Lately he has been into peas, black berries, beans, corn, oranges, and graham crackers, but he will pretty much eat anything we give to him as long as we jazz it up and don't leave it plain.

He is such a great little bean! He is definitely handful I am willing to keep around and I am glad that I have his cute little cheeks around all day to kiss. Happy Birthday Mister!

PS Enjoy the pics of the two parties. They are pretty self explanatory... Eating cake and opening presents.


  1. So glad we got to be part of the party!! He is a cutie.

  2. Happy birthday, little man! If I remember right, OP started the tantrums when he was one. BOYS!
