

Monday, March 28, 2011


Why is it that no one tells you how sad your baby's first shots are! Shiloh is a total trooper. He only cried for like 30 seconds after the shots were given, but he has been so sad and fussy since we got home. There isn't anything I can do to help him either. I just have to give it time. I feel a bit helpless. I just have to keep telling myself that this IS for his good. It is just hard to watch him fuss and cry and have nothing be able to console him. He finally fell asleep after 5 hours of fighting it. At least I know what to expect at his four month appointment, right?

Well, beyond the shots, his two month appointment well. He is in the 70th percentile for height, 37th percentile for weight, and 64th percentile for head size. They say that he is looking really healthy and growing well. Needless to say, he follows in his father's body type and not mine: tall and skinny :D The doctor just kept commenting on how handsome Shiloh is. Of course I agree. So, those are the stats.


  1. Ohhhh, poor baby. Did they tell you you can give him Baby Tylenol to help numb the pain? Or is that not the "in" treatment anymore? Or maybe they like you to wait until they are older? But that's what I always did for my babies.
    Glad to hear he is growing well. And speaking of what a cutie he is...isn't it time to post some new pictures :)

  2. Sorry I'm just reading this Saturday! I hadn't checked for awhile. Glad Shiloh's growing so big and tall and cute. Wish I could give him a hug. Maya said he gave her a cute smile....jealous!

  3. hey this is just what i do with my babies so i'll throw it out there cause for us it makes shots soooo much less traumatic. I bring a bottle of 1 part sugar to 3 parts water and let them suck on that while they do the shots. They use sugar water in the nicu as a painkiller too and for my kids it works like a charm - never had full on crying with shots since bringing that for them. Just my 2 cents but I'll always do that cause it definitely works for my kids (and I know you aren't supposed to give little babies water but I asked the doctor and he said a few sips like that was no problem at all) good luck shiloh!
