

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Mulberries part II

We love our mulberry tree...still. We decided instead of just picking a bowl full here and a handful there, that we would shake down a bunch of berries at the same time. Seriously, such an easy harvest. Put down a tarp, grab a ladder and a rake, and shake the branches. Then we decided that we would try our hand at making mulberry jam. I have to admit that ours turned out like a cross between jam and jelly, but it is OH SO DELICIOUS. It was our first time ever making jam after all. A caution to all who have never made mulberry jam: if you happen to accidentally splash up a bunch of blended up mulberries out of your blender because the lid wasn't on, and it gets on to the wall and counter top etc. etc. then act quickly in the cleaning up process. It stains the wall and the counter. (Ummmm...I may, or may not, know from experiencing a similar situation. You will just have to look at the pictures to figure it out.)
Kenny shakin' down the berries

Just some of the goods that were coming down

Shiloh eating some of the berries, like always.

This was just soooooo cute. It doesn't really have much to do with the post, but who wouldn't want to look at this cute mug?

Ummm.... this was referenced earlier. No explanation needed.

Look closely at the stain on my newly painted well... just so you know it has darkened over time.

The finished product. We are awesome!

So all in all, Mulberries rock! I really hope my mulberry tree doesn't die very soon because I am in love with the jelly-jam, and Shiloh is in love with the berries.


  1. Bummer about the stain!!! Looks yummy. Did you do cooked jam or freezer jam? Fun process.

  2. That's so cool. I love homemade jam! Glad you are keeping busy while you are waiting. . .
