

Monday, May 21, 2012

37 weeks today! (but the pics are from 36 weeks, so I am a lot bigger already)

So I took pictures a week ago and planned to do a post, but I was unmotivated and still dealing with a sick child. It has already been a week and I didn't want to have to get ready just for another set of pictures, so you will just have to settle for the "oldies".

I am still craving sugar, almost in any form is fine. I drink Shiloh's soy milk because it is the only thing that is kind of sweet that we have around our house. Beef is still good, but hard boiled eggs are good too. At this point, Kenny keeps telling me that I should be eating a ton, but there seriously is no room for anything but Eli in my torso, so I just snack all day long.

I still haven't gained any more weight, but From my 32 week appt to my 35 week one, my stomach grew 10 cm! Plenty of growth in there. I cannot wear any shirt with out some sort of belly band, and I cannot wear any of Kenny's shirts. They all show my belly. There is just no where for this kid to go but out anymore. I feel like a total goof anytime I try to get ready and dressed for the day. Nothing looks good on me so I just settle for what is comfy.

At this point in my pregnancy with Shiloh, I would have had only four more days until he came into the world. I am trying REALLY REALLY REALLY hard not get my hopes up for that same scenario. It is even harder trying not to though. I am pretty sure that Thursday of this week will be filled with kleenexes, tears, and ice cream. Babies come when they want to and definitely NEVER when you expect them to. So this is what I am sure of, that I will be completely surprised at the time that Eli decides to come. So if any of you want to send good vibes for an early comer my way, feel free. I will welcome them with open arms.

As you can tell, I have hit the end of pregnancy wall. You know, the one where you truly feel like you can't be pregnant for another day and yet there is still the chance that you could go 2 weeks past your due date? That's the one I have hit. I have hit it pretty hard, and I feel bad for Kenny. I am sure he wants this pregnancy to end soon just as much as I do, but for different reasons, and he is so sweet he would never admit it. But if I am going to level with you, I am so grumpy I don't want to even be around myself, so I can't imagine that others are having much fun around me. hahaha

I would report more progress on the pregnancy front but my appt with my midwife has been cancelled twice, once due to Shiloh being sick, and again today due to 2 other moms needing her to deliver their babies. I guess I can be understanding of that ;)

All complaining and moaning aside, I am so excited to meet Eli. It will rock my world to have two little ones in stead of just one, but I can't wait to meet this little guy and hold him and see what he looks like.


  1. You look beautiful! I hate that part of the pregnancy, huge, nothing fits, waddling, cankles. I hope he comes soon!!!

  2. Hang in there mama! Lookin good. It's just around the corner...any other encouraging messages I can give???? I'll call ya soon with some more :)

  3. Pregnancies always go so much faster when you aren't the one pregnant. I just can't believe that Eli will be here "any day". I can't wait to hear the awesome birthing story that you have in store :) Good luck!!! I wish we were closer!

  4. Brittani, you look darling! Don't you hate when people say that! You don't feel darling! But you have that glow, and proud mama look. It will be over soon, and before you know it, he'll be off to college! HANG IN THERE! Love ya.

  5. Can't believe you are so close! Did you survive today (Thursday)? We'll be hoping for some news any day now, but at least you are not overdue yet. Love ya!
