

Saturday, March 10, 2012

The weather forecast

This is the 5 day weather forecast for Tebbetts, MO. (where I live) Doesn't it look fantastic?!? I just hope it stays looking like this.


  1. Wow. That looks amazing. Very un-Marchish to me. But maybe that is normal for your neck of the woods. But I guess since this is your first Spring there you really don't know what to expect. Enjoy it!

    1. From what I gather, it is very UN-marchish, but I will take it! We are usually more 60's or 50's I guess. We shall see.

  2. Oh so jealous!! All tho we are having great weather here for March. 60-ish today and tomorrow. Dad's been out on his motorcycle and cleaning the garage...imagine that!

  3. Sounds amazingly perfect!! You deserve it. I just sent off a SUPER FUN package for you this evening. It even got me excited about having a baby again. We hit 60 today and honestly Camille couldn't stop asking "it was hot today, right mom?" She is in for a Utah county shock I am afraid :) Let me know when you get the package just so I know it got to you :) Love ya!

    1. ooo exciting! Thanks! I will let you know when it arrives. I am sure Camille will get used to it :) We all acclimate to some extent. 60's sounds nice too.

  4. I'm super jealous. Ours is suppose to be nice this week, BUT you know Utah! It could change in a matter of minutes. :-) LOVE the new family picture. You guys are so cute. Shiloh is getting so big! Miss you!

  5. Wow, can't believe you're going to hit 80's already!
