

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Pregnancy Update (sans picture...sorry) 26 weeks

Seriously? Is it already week 26? Where has the time gone? Well, wherever it has gone, I am not getting it back.
Well I still crave junk all of the time, but I am proud to say that I rarely give into the craving. I have been fairly healthy this time around, all things considered. I have only gained 7 pounds. (I just had to weigh myself to see where I was at, and let me tell you, trying to see the number on the scale under my pregnant belly is a challenge). I attribute that to chasing a 1 year old this time around, instead of being on and off bed rest.

I feel this little guy move all of the time! He moves so differently from the way Shiloh did. Shiloh squirmed, this one kicks and punches.

I am getting to the point where it is a little uncomfortable to sleep at night. I know it only gets worse from here, but I have started implementing a little bit of yoga in my life and it is helping a bit. Poor Kenny has to endure all of the tossing, turning, and pillows that come with this part of pregnancy, not to mention the 5 to 6 trips to the bathroom at night. Sorry babe! He probably gets the same amount of sleep as me.

Shi is getting quite frustrated with my belly. He thinks that he should just be able to move it out of the way so that he can have a decent reading seat again. My belly is getting pretty big, but in all, I feel like it is smaller at this point in pregnancy than it was last time.

I am mentally starting to gear up for the birth process, to the best of my abilities. Nothing can truly prepare you, except for the adrenaline that comes when it is time, but at least this time, I know what I want and I know slightly more about what to expect. I am also trying to mentally gear up for having two babies around instead of just one. I am sure there is nothing that I can do to prepare myself for it, but I am trying to anyway. I always feel this need to plan.

(Sorry about the no pic. I promise to post one soon. Just hasn't been in the cards the past little while)


  1. You can totally gear up for it. It's one of those "nothing prepares you" things, but that doesn't mean you should prepare... you know? You'll be GREAT!

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