

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The mullberries are dropping, get out the tarps and shart shaking!

Almost every day the boys and I take our rounds in the wagon or "blue dragon" as Eli calls it. We check the chicken's food and water, then the peas, then the greens bed, then Britt's flower bed, then the herb bed, and the blueberries bed  and so forth around the "farm" until we check up on everything, but the whole time we are going around all Eli can think about is MULBERRIES.  If we are picking strawberries or smelling chocolate mint he is saying...Ummm cai ha some muberries.  For weeks we had been watching for the wonderful day when the mullberries would be ripe and finally it came.  The first few days you have to hand pick them.  The boys can eat them almost as fast as I can pick, so at first we don't get too many to save, but soon they started dropping.  Then we get out the tarps and start shaking.  It's like berry rain. 

This was our berry cleaning party from our first shaking. We froze 4 gallons of berries, because the boys love them frozen and they are great in our green smoothies. 
This was our first batch of jam.  We froze some strawberries and made some strawberry jam too. 
The Garden is growing rapidly, Green beans are close to picking time, little tomatoes, peppers, and tomatillos are growing, squash are beginning to flower, and we ate our first cabbage head.