

Monday, October 13, 2014

Chickens, Turtles, Butterflies, and Blue Tailed Skinks....

What do Chickens, Turtles, Butterflies and Blue tailed Skinks have in common?  They are all things that our boys love to chase.  Here are a few summertime fun pics. 
Here is Eli on the tractor. This is one of his favorite things to do. Climb on the tractor, Ride on the tractor, watch the tractor drive around, and pretend that he is driving the tractor while it is in park.
Feeding the Geese at McKay Park in Jeff City.
A blue Tailed Skink.
All of the turtles Sammy brought us.  The boys love to "rescue" them.  We keep them for a bit and then find a good place to let them go where Sammy won't bring them back.
We got butterfly nets in the dollar section at some store.  Shiloh took to it right  away.  We have so many butterflies and moths around here. He would spot one and do this funny little stance and sneaky walk.  It is soooo adorable.  He got pretty good at catching them too.

Here he is with one in his net.  Victory!
This is a brown thrasher.  They are very shy birds.  You don't often see them in the wild, but we happened to have one that nested in our bush right by our barn.  We got to lift the boys up to see the babies and the momma.  It was such a fun experience.
Another favorite thing at our house is chasing chickens.  The chickens don't seem to mind it too much either.
Our next door neighbors lease out their 20 acres to Chris for his cows and for bailing hay.  Chris and his family and his dad also live in Tebbetts.  They are so good with our boys.  Every year at bailing time, they let us know when they are going to do it and they take our boys for a ride in the tractor while they cut, stir and bail the hay.  It is quickly becoming a favorite tradition of our two boys.
In the summer, we do bath time every night, and sometimes twice a day.  My boys get sooooooo dirty playing outside.  One night we started the tub.  Shiloh can get in by himself, and apparently, Eli thought that we were taking to long to help him and he just climbed right in with his clothes on.

I hope you enjoyed the randoms of this summer!

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how I missed this blog! Out of town, or out of my mind I guess! Great pics of the tractors and animals. What adventures you and they have living out in the country! They are having experiences that they wouldn't get lots of other places. And they're so darn cute! Hope you're feeling good Brittani. Hang in there for the downhill run!
