

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Barrett's Esophagus and my interview with a Health Blog.

A family friend of mine, and a couple of her friends, have a health blog called Three Healthy Mommas.  I always appreciate someone who will share their wealth of knowledge on a subject that I am just recently trying to immerse myself in.  They post about exercise and healthy food. They also interview a person once a month who has made healthy changes to better their lives.  Shauna asked if I would be interviewed for their blog and tell about my experience with having Barrett's Esophagus and changing my diet and lifestyle.  Anyway, if you are interested in checking it out, click here to read it. 


  1. Brittani, I am so proud of you. Way to take control of your health!!! And thanks for sharing your experiences with us. I know it wasn't all about weight loss...but just so you know, you DO look amazing!!!!

  2. Ya, I was noticing in your anniversary pics that you looked a lot thinner. So is your stomach feeling better now too? I hope so!

  3. Brittani, I wanted to talk to you in person- well, phone, but haven't done so yet, so let me just say wow! I am so impressed. I 've told you that you looked like you'd lost weight, but you didn't brag and tell me the impressive numbers! You have made changes that I'm sure will affect you and your health for life.
