

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Many Eating Faces of Shiloh

Needless to say, I have lots of stain remover on hand. Love this little guy!


  1. haha!!! So cute!!! Gotta love the stain remover:)

  2. What a cutie. Feeding them in just a diaper & having a full body bib were my favorite methods. I never found a stain remover I loved.

  3. I am using a woolite one and it rocks! It even got blueberries out of the carpet....

  4. I just love messy baby pictures. He is so cute and look at all that curly blonde hair.

  5. His hair is so curly there. A lot of the curl on the sides has fallen out and grew back in a little wavy. So, most of the curl is on the top of his head, but it looks a little less curly than it was in these pictures...So sad.
